Thank you Ripley10 for editing this for me. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Sang POV
Mr. Blackbourne pulls me into Nathan's bedroom and guides me to sit down on his bed. He takes his glasses off and polishes them on his tie. "Miss Sorenson, Sang. We told Mr. Drillings that you would be in contact via text to arrange the meeting with him today. The boys wanted to give this to you all together but I didn't want to overwhelm you."
He pulls a new cell phone with a pink case out of his breast pocket and hands it to me. It is still warm from his body and I hold it to my chest. "I can't accept this Mr. Blackbourne. This and the clothes. Staying here. It's all just too much. I'm not worth..." He cuts me off mid-sentence. "You, Miss Sorenson, are worth so much more than we will ever be able to give you in our lifetimes. All of us."
Clearing his throat and sliding a hand down his tie he moves on smoothly, "All of our numbers are in here and Victor will show you the apps later. I would like to help you compose a message to Mr. Drillings if that is acceptable to you. "
I nod and smile slightly at him while typing in Marc's number. I look up as Mr. Blackbourne sits beside me on the bed. "Ask him if he will meet us at the old church at six, here is the address." He pulls out a slip of paper that has the address written on it for me to copy out.
"Why not here?" I ask as I type clumsily on the new phone.
"We don't want him or any of your family to know where you are living or who the boys are in case this goes badly and we have to keep you hidden," he answers grimly.
I look up at him and drop the phone into my lap. "Is that likely?"
He sighs. "You know him more than we do. But after meeting Mrs. Sorenson I am not taking any chances with your safety."
I cringe internally. I know my mother isn't the only threat, but Ryan probably won't be that bad if my mother isn't influencing him to go after me.
"Are you all right?" Mr. Blackbourne asks, rubbing a hand down my arm.
My focus snaps back to him. I was just staring off into space thinking. Now I actually cringe. "Yes, sorry I was just thinking about what will happen."
"You don't have to worry Miss Sorenson, we will be there to protect you no matter what transpires."
I send the text to Marc with the slight additions Mr. Blackbourne approves of.
Can you please meet me at 6 at, 221 Boxhale Rd. Please don't share this number or location with the rest of the family. Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green will be with me.
A minute later I received a reply.
Love, I will be there.
I get a catch in my throat at the endearment. What will he think of me after all of this?
Mr. Blackbourne stands and smooths down his tie and holds his hand out to me. I take his hand and uncurl from my position, falling slightly into his chest. His hand wraps around my shoulder straightening me. He pulls me to his chest and gives me a gentle hug.
"Everything will be fine, Sang," he murmurs in my ear then pulls back.
We go out into the living room and everyone is waiting with anxious looks on their faces.

A New Family (A Ghost Bird Story)
FanficSang and her new family move to Sunnyvale Crescent. Her mother Emily, sister Marie and stepbrother Ryan are all out to make her life a living hell under the nose of her protective stepfather Marc. But Marc is gone on weekly business trips, Ryan fol...