Born To Fly

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  My memory is fragmented, all I remember of the attack is small flashes and loud sounds. My parents were attacked by a rival pack, and my parents being the Alpha's of that pack had to defend what was righfully theirs, they had sent me to live with my Aunt at the time, and I was unaware of what had happened. My aunt had been adopted into the family, so she wasn't a werewolf, and she raised me as a normal child, who didn't have an paranormal abilities, I had a normal childhood, with no mention of my other side. She never showed me a picture of my mother or my father, but she wouldn't let me call her mother or Uncle Will father. They were always Aunt and Uncle, I grew up with her two sons, who were as normal as they could come, but they came to love me, and I came to adore and protect them with all the feriocity of a alpha female, only I didn't know that at the time that I was practicing for when I was step up and take my place in the pack. Which at this point was running a muck on the Alaska area. I was raised a human, but born a werewolf.

    "  A legacy started in the Alaska pack, of a female that would come and knock the now dominate pack out of leadership, and reinstate the once dominate pack of her parents. It was said that at the age of 18 this female would be the most powerful wolf to ever grace the wild plain. And she would have a counter part equally as powerful, only humbled by his life and has the ability to lead."

   Unknown to me, that legacy was mine, but I hadn't turned 18 yet, and I had every right to believe that finding my parents was a good thing. My 18th birthday is in one week. Time for a wake up call, and it would hit me hard when I wasn't expecting it.

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