Four - Overload of Information

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  I felt like I couldn't breath. Werewolves,  you had to be kidding me. They were just crazy, insane. They needed to be on some serious medicine, I couldn't pull in enough air.

"Breath Alice." I shook my head.

"No, you are lying. Werewolves aren't real."I stood and grabbed my coat, and I started to walk out, but something in the back of my mind told me to listen, that I would need the information that they would give me. I stood at the doorway.

"Please believe us, or at least stay at my house tonight. So you aren't alone when the change takes your place." Someone walked in, and he took a step back when he saw me.

"Oh, well then. I was looking for my father. And since there wasn't a note then I figured he would be here." The boy pointed to Randy.

"I'll be home in a little bit, Charlie." The boy nodded and looked back to me.

"Who's she?"

  "Do you remember the Granger family?" He looked up and then back to me.

"You must be Alice. I have pictures of us playing in the snow together." I looked up at him and it was like an annoying fly buzzing around my ear. Like I needed to remember something. I looked at my watch.

"It's getting late I should go." I started to reach for the door, but the voice in the back of my head told me to stop.

"Alice, you won't have a first shift ever again, there are so many way this could go wrong. Charlie will you stay tonight? I might need your help."

"Of course Alley." He looked down to me.

"You don't remember me?" I shook my head, and he nodded. Like it was fair for him to remember me, but me not to remember him.

"I'll call your aunt, and you can talk to her if you would like." And then the rage hit my heart, I didn't want to speak to her, first she drags me all the way across the country, and then she kept the fact that I was going to turn into a giant, hairy, beast the moment I turn 18. It made me made, and the way she said okay, when I told her I was going out, she didn't expect me home tonight.

"Ms. Lotts, once I change. I need to go home, I don't know why I have to go home. I just need  to." She nodded understanding.

"Alright, as soon as you are done changing, I will lead you home." I nodded and took a deep breath. Taking that leap of faith.

"Alright, what do I need to do." They sat me down and it was 2:30 p.m. when we started talking everything over, and I was born on December 25, 1993 at 4:25 a.m. I looked at the clock again, what felt like a few hours later, but was really 4:20 a.m. And Alley was starting to panic. Charlie made a phone call and I looked around. Randy was the only one that wasn't panicking.

"Everything will be fine. I promise. Charlie, get her on the table." I stood and Charlie led me into another room.

"Don't worry Bailey, you'll be fine." I looked at him , and his green eyes were gentle. I jumped up on the table, and he gently laid me back.

"Don't worry, it's only so you won't hurt yourself. The first time can be violent, but if you're anything like your mother, then I doubt it will be as bad as my father or Alley think." He looped leather straps over my wrists, and I started to get scared. I didn't really know any of these people, and they were tying me to the table, and not even a minute later pain in my lower back started, and Charlie called for his father. I needed to put pressure on it. But with my hand tied down I couldn't. Randy came in and told Charlie to hold my shoulders down.

"Here we go."

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