Seven - Housemates

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  The next few days were spent getting to know Joel and his way of living, he wasn't like most boys, who said they would listen to the rules just to get into the house and then rely on the fact that I was a nice person to keep him in the house. He actually followed the rules and he never had any girlfriends over that I knew of, and he cleaned up after himself. Soon Alley was dropping by to make dinner or offer to anyway.

"Child you need some good Alaska cooking to welcome you to the state."

"That's alright Alley, I'm good. I don't want to gain any more weight than I already have. I'm up two pounds I need to start working out again."

"Two pounds, lordy child. How much do you even weigh, and have you started school yet?"

"Eh school, I have a house now, I can take cyber school." And she got all upset.

"You know what, come on outside, I want to beat some sense into you, gained two pounds, cyber school my ass. Get dressed you are going to school today." 

"Alley, i'm 18 years old." She nodded and waited for me to finish.

"Let me go change."

"Yea that's what I thought girl." I quickly changed into something cute, and grabbed my purse and cell phone. And she got in my car. We drove to the school and it was like any other school, just not a big.

"This is a school, my house is bigger than this." She slapped me in the back of the head.

"You will learn to like it." I nodded and we walked into the school and she signed me up for all honors classes no matter what I said.

"Girl I know you have some kind of brain in your head, your mamma didn't give birth to a child who wasn't as smart as she was, and she was a smart woman. So you'll learn to like you classes."

"Well can you at least give me an art class, I like to draw." And play the piano, but no one needed to know that. I thought about maybe buying a piano, but then decided against it, there was already one in the attic somehow I woud get it from the attic to my bedroom. I had more than enough room in there. She gave me my schdule and then went to work. She was the school's guidence counceler. And I had feeling that she would give the best advice to a troubled student. I walked into my art class and the teacher looked at me.

"Oh I wasn't aware that we were getting a new student today, come in, we are just working on sketching faces." I nodded and sat down in the seat that she told me to, and handed me a leather bound sketch book and a brand new pencil. She sat down in front of me and told me to start. And it was easy to make her face, but I added the details, like hair, and shadowing. Things that would make the picture pop, and keep everything in reality. I was smudging lines, and when I showed it to her, her mouth fell to the floor. And she called the office requesting that I be tranferred from basic art, to Adavnced Fine arts. When I asked her how many people the class consisted of, she told me that I was the only one that called for it, so it would me me in a room on my own with my paper and pencil. Just the way I liked to draw. The rest of the the class I spent sketching random things that came to my mind, a rose, maybe a few stars that were connected by star dust. And somene appeared by my side. I looked up and they took the sketch book.

"Oh so you think you are better than everyone else because you can draw?"

"No. I'm just minding my own business." I took the sketch book back, and went back to my meaningless drawings.

"I would watch your back new girl." And the way she spoke made my skin crawl, and I almost felt like letting out a growl, but I stopped myself.

"Go find another tree to bark up, Ashlynn." I turned and Joel came over and put an arm around my shoulder and her eyes widened, her cheeks flushed. So Joel was the guy everyone wanted and he was staying at my house. Interesting. I looked up at him and shrugged off his arm and she gasped at me.

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