One - Turning 18

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I walked into the kitchen, and it was empty, which was strange, it was a Monday. Everyone should be up. I walked into the living room and it was empty.

"Hello! People I live with!! Wake up!" I called and returned to the kitchen.

"SURPRISE!!" I jumped and something in my snapped. I put my hand over my heart. And looked to my family.

"Don't ever do that." I muttered.

"Happy birthday!!" I looked down to the cake.

"Oh, Aunt Willow." I hugged her.She took my face into her hands.

"You're 18 now-"

"Not until Friday actually. You're a few days early."She waved her hands and presented me with a cake, and her sons ran around her and jumped on me.

"Well good morning you two." They smiled up at me.They were twins, both in 3rd grade, and they were completely and utterly adorable. I looked to the cake and smiled.

Happy 18th Birthday Alison Bailey Granger

I looked at my aunt leave it to her to put my first and last name on my birthday cake.

"Aunt, you know I prefer..."

"I know you like just Baliey, but I wanted this one to be special." I looked at her and shook my head.

"Alright, I forgive you this time. Let's eat some cake!!" The boys squealed in delight and ran to their chairs. Well John did, Lucas stayed attached to my leg. Lucas was born with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. He had a hard time keeping up with John. I reached down and picked Lucas up and he clung to me.

"Hey buddy, do you want some cake?" He touched my face and made a funny face and a smile came to his lips. Childhood Disintegrative disorder left him with very little ability to talk, and no ability to play without assistance and he couldn't feed himself. He was a stressful little boy, but when I went to put him in the high chair, he panicked and clung to me digging his nails into my skin. I didn't panic or try to pull him off, I held onto him tightly until he felt safe enough to let go, and then I sat him on my lap in my chair, and he was fine. Aunt Willow looked to me and she came forward with a rag, to clean the little scratches that marked my shoulders. I was completely over protective of Lucas, he was in need or more defense than John, who knew how to take care of himself. I fed Lucas some cake and he ate while watching John. And John loved his brother, whatever John did, Lucas was watching and trying to play too. And most of the time he included him except in things that John didn't know how to do, or couldn't do. Like play with other kids, or do his homework alone. Lucas always tried to help me with my homework, usually he just ruined the page and I had to start over, but it never bothered me. When it came to Lucas I never cared what he did.

Aunt Willow took him from me and I looked down to my clothes, almost unbelievibly I was clean. And Lucas of course was mess, still playing in his piece of cake.

"I gotta go, the bus will be here soon." Now before I say anything else, I do have my license, but no car. So I was screwed.

"Actually Bailey..." She tossed me a set of strange keys. And I felt a smile come to my face.

"Really!!" She nodded and I let out an excited squeak and ran out to the brand new Re Nissan Altima sat in the drive way. I put my books in the passenger's seat, and texted my best friend, Penelope. Telling her that she needed to be outside of her house in 5 minutes. I started my car and drove down the street. She came outside, and she jumped up and down in excitement when she saw me pulling up to the curb.

"Oh! My! Gwad!!" She launched herself into the passnger's seat. Moving my books at the last second.

"I can't believe you're aunt got this." I looked at her with a large smile on my face.

"I know right!!!" I laughed and we drove to school admiring the new car smell. We got to school and I pulled into a parking spot and smiled.

"I can't belive they got me this!" I put the keys in my purse and I threw my phone in the bottomless pit too, before walking into the school.


After another very boring day of my senior year, I walked into the house and there were boxes everywhere. I felt strangely confused and out of the loop. I walked into the living room and Aunt Willow was putting things into boxes. And I knocked on the wall.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, Bailey we are moving into your parents previous house, there are things you need to learn happens." I looked at her totally confused.

"What are you talking about?" Lucas tugged on my shirt, and I bent down picking him up, and he hid his face in my hair.

"We are taking the family to Alaska." I about fell over, i'm pretty sure I stumbled back a bit. She stood and walked over to me.

"Breathe Bailey."

"You can't just take me to Alaska! In the middle of my senior year!!" Lucas held onto me so tightly that I didn't have to support him. He clung to me. Making small sounds of distress. And I felt something in me shift, sturred up by my anger. And Aunt Willow stood up and walked over to me her hands out.

"Take a deep breath Bailey. Calm yourself." I looked at her and I knew I was over reacting. I handed Lucas to her and bolted up to my room, and everything was gone. Packed away. And I looked around. Boxes labled. I threw my fist into the wall and it did nothing to the wall, just hurt my knuckles. I reached for my keys, and crawled out my window. And I drove away, I just needed to get away. Far away, I didn't want to leave my friends, this was uncalled for. No one should have to move to Alaska. And I mean ALASKA! Of all places. The frozen tundra of the United States. This was terrible.

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