Ten - Meeting the Rogue

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   With Lucas here with me, I had to stay home. I couldn't leave the child alone, that was just really irresponsible. I had Joel bring all my work home for me, and then take it back the next day when I would finish it. Even with Lucas here, I spent a lot of time in the attic looking over the music my mother had made, and attempting to write some of my own. Playing her music gave me the inspiration I needed to make my own, even with that my progress moved slowly. It was a day before my aunt was supposed to pick Lucas up, I was sitting on the couch trying to find the perfect note to go with the one I had placed before it, when someone knocked on the door. Which startled me, because no one knocks on my door, usually everyone just waltzes right in without even thinking about it. I put my stuff down and I walked to the door with Lucas behind me. Thinking that it was my aunt. I opened the door and a man stood there, and I didn't know him. Maybe he was lost, looking for his way into town.

"Alison?" He asked unsure, for a second then I could feel his confidence hit me like a wall of bricks to the face. I didn't know who he was, but I wanted him gone, and I wanted it now.

"Yes?" He tried to push his way into the house, but I put my arm out to stop him. How dare he try to force his way in, I was the Alpha around here, I was the one that was supposed to offer.

"I didn't invite you in, and if I didn't invite you, then you shouldn't try to force your way." He looked at me like I had some nerve to tell him that he couldn't enter my home. And he spoke to me in a tone of voice that made a growl echo in my throat.

"You WILL let me into the house." He tried again and I pushed him back and Lucas was standing by my legs.

"You are not invited in. You WILL NOT try  to force your way in again." And he looked at me utterly afraid and sort of angry at the same time.

"You can't be-" I looked at him unsure of what he was trying to get at. He looked to Lucas and I put my arm back around him.

"You were supposed to be dead. He was supposed to have killed you." I was clueless to what he meant, but the words themselves were scaring me.

"Well i'm alive?" And he looked like he could have murdered me right there, and I was prepared to shift and attack at the slightest hint of a threat.

"Obviously." He turned and walked away, almost like he had something waiting for me that he had forgotten. I looked down to Lucas and he looked up at me his eyes just as confused as mine were. He turned and ran back into the warmth of the house, and I shut and locked the door. I was trying to finish my music, when Joel came home and he held out another fold of stuff for me to do, and handed me a novel.

"We are supposed to read to chatper 5 tonight. And then have a discussion on it tomorrow."

"Well Lucas should be gone tomorrow morning, so I should be joining you for English at least." And he nodded, and stayed for a moment before heading up the stairs. I sat my music aside once again and started on my home work. This was something that needed to be done, unlike my side project which was going no where.

"I'm going out again." I heard Joel speak from the kitchen.

"Alright, i'm going to lock the door, so you should probably take your key." He walked into the living room and I looked up at him.


She didn't care that I was going out. I told myself over and over again that I was allowed to have fun with a few human girls. They were only humans, but that point was that I didn't want to have fun with them. I wanted to be here...at home with Bailey. She was so beautifully stubborn, and compassionate. Caring, yet she could give you a verbal and phycial beat down if she needed to. I was thinking all this while watching her start on her homework. Nick walked in moment later and he sat down on the couch next to her and she looked at him and I wasn't sure if I saw it right, but a moment of almost love passed over her face and I pulled myself out of the living room.  She was in love with Nick. I grabbed my coat and walked out of the house, not even bothering with the car. And the whole way my heart began to ache, how did I let this happen? I had to tell her, and I should have told her weeks ago. When I stopped her from almost killing herself on Alley's table. I should have told her that I thought her eyes were as blue as the sky, as the sun rose. And I should have told her my heart would always be hers not matter when she wanted it. It should be me in there on the couch next to her, not Nick. He wasn't good enough for her. And the small voice in the back of my mind stopped me in my tracks.

What makes you any better? It was that nagging feeling in my heart of being rejected. But there was a much lager part of me that wanted me to walk back into the house and pull her away from him. To show him and her, that she was mine. She was always supposed to be mine. But I didn't, I kept walking away from the fear of rejection, and away from the one person who would always truely understand me.

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