Six - Alone

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I stood in the living room, they had left all the furniture, they took their clothes and left. They took my family away from me. And I was left alone in the world. I sat in the corner of the living room, in the shadows and I waited, until something forced me to get up. Something, anything. It could even be the urge to have to go to the bathroom. Or the need for food, but nothing came to me. I was alone in the world, I had family who didn't want me. I reached into my bag and pulled out the tape recorder and I popped in the tape labeled 2. I pressed play and closed my eyes.

Hey baby, by now you will have shift, and my sister will have panicked and left you alone. I know because that is what she did when I first shifted in front of her. She couldn't accept that we are real. I am sorry you're alone baby. You know we are there with you in your heart. I wish we could really be there to tell you things, that others can't. She sighed and it sounded like someone else picked up the recorder.

Hey baby girl, it's your father. Your aunt didn't make you who you are. You are my daughter and you have a strenght in you that no one knows about. But its there. We love you Alice. We are always there. Keep the house safe alright, it took me a long time to make that thing. I heard my mom go off in the background, about how these tapes are meant to help. Not to give me chores. Then the tape stopped. My father thought I was strong, and I would make him proud. I started to get up, but the silence in the house reminded me that I needed to stay in my corner. I could be strong, just not right now.


I don't remember how long I sat in the corner. I know someone knocked on the door a few times, but even that couldn't compel me to get up and walk around. Someone knelt in front of me, it might have been Nick at first glance but I looked again and it was Joel.  He sat in front of me and he didn't touch me.

"You've been in here for six hours, and you haven't moved a muscle." I looked at him he looked careless to my troubles.

"Go away." I mumbled and he stood and looked around.

"Where is everyone? Mind if I grab something to eat?" He walked into the kitchen and I pushed myself up from the floor.

"No, get out of there." I pulled myself to my feet and he pulled open the fridge and I stood in the doorway.

"Hey! keep your hands to yourself." He pulled out the bowl of Jell-O and he looked for a spoon.


"Why are you here? Go home." He turned to look at me and flipped his dark hair out of his face.

"You know, for someone who saved your life, you could be a little more thankful. At least let me eat the jell-o." I threw my hands up and walked out of the room, and he followed me and I walked up to my room and he walked in and flopped down on my bed.

"Excuse me!" I shoved him off the bed and he looked at me from the floor.

"Someone is a snob." I looked at him and glared.

  "Someone needs some manners." He got to his feet and he was at least a foot taller than me, but he didn't seem intimidating at all. I made my bed and he stood in the door way.

 "Go home."

"Nah. Nick is mad at me. I insulted something precious to him." I took a wild guess.

"His girlfriend?"

"No his face." And he looked totally serious. I sighed and dropped my head into my hands, and he stood.

"Hey are you alright?" A second later I felt his hand on my shoulder and I tried to keep everything together, but it all came tumbling out before I could stop it.

"My aunt left me here, I just found out that I turn into a giant wolf, that my parents left me messages for each day of my life, and apparently I own this house with a trust fund big enough to feed a whole generation of people in Africa." He wasn't quite sure what to do with that last part, but I'm pretty sure that he was panicking because tears were pouring down my face. He pulled me into a hug, and I hid my face from the world, taking in his comfortable scent. Letting it fell my mind and fog my senses.

"Come on let's get you to bed." He laid me in my bed, and he went to stand up and I caught his hand.

"No, I know you don't know me, but I can't really be alone right now, please just stay with me." He nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed, and he just sat there until I fell asleep and then I don't know where he went.


I woke up, and I had a comfortably numb feeling. Like when you realize its the weekend and you don't have anything speical to do. I rolled over on my bed, and a single arm came around my waist, and I almost panicked, but then Joel's scent came to my nose and it was like all the memories from last night came back. He was fast asleep so I took this time to study his face. It wasn't like I expected a werewolf to me. He was pale, and although he had a good set of strong shoulders, he wasn't overly big. He was narrow, lanky in a sense without the idea of someone who is drawn out. He was just the right shape, although it didn't make any sense to me. I looked up at his now messed up dark brown nearly black hair, and his soft lips. He had a gentle feel about him. I slid out of the bed and I walked down to the kitchen, and made myself a bowl of cereal. I was putting the dishes away when he came down the stairs.

"Good morning." I spoke softly so I wouldn't startle him. He gave me a lazy smile and pulled something out of the fridge.

"I like it here much more than at Nick's house. It's a lot more peaceful, and I got a better night's sleep that's for sure." I turned and watched him eat for a moment.

"You could stay here, I mean I have this whole house to myself, and I'm not going to use all however many rooms their are, but I have some rules that would need to be understood if you are up for this agreement." He looked up at me and smiled.

"Of course, anything is better than Nick's."

"Rule number One: If I ever find my toliet seat up, there will be issues, and they won't end well for you."

"oh come on!" I looked at him and he held his hands up in surrender. 

"Rule number two: You do your own dishes, and that means drying and putting them away along with your own laundry."

"Fair." I nodded and thought for a moment.

"Rule number three: If you are going to bring a girlfriend home I don't care, just put something on the door so I know not to just walk in." He laughed and I waited for him to finish.

"That's a good one, I like that one."

"Yea i'm sure you do. My last rule: Never get too close to me, I don't plan on being anyone's toy is that understood?" He nodded and looked at me respectfully.

"Of course. Now rent?"

"Nah, don't worry about, just if something gets low, like milk or what not. Just by that, okay. I don't really need rent." He nodded.

"Can I move my clothes in?" I nodded and he held his hand out.

"I, Joel Michael, agree to abid by the rules set forth by you." I shook his hand and I smiled at my new house mate.

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