Eight - Alpha Female

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    As the new Alpha female, there wre certain things that people expected of me, but I didn't really pay any attention to them. They didn't matter to me, and I was content to let Brittney run around like she still owned the place, but Joel told me that it was too late to let someone else take back what I had rightfully fought for. And I argued that it wasn't really a fair fight. She didn't even get a hit in. She just curled into a ball and waited, until I knocked her out, then she was just laying on the floor. I was sketching in my book. for my art class and there was little the teacher made me do. An artist of my talent needed to have everything quiet. She told me that school rules did no apply to me, except for the ones meant to protect us. Like no bring weapons to school, which of course I never would. I was the only weapon I needed to defend myself. But she always let me wear my headphones and since I was ahead in all of my classes I spent most of my day in the art room, or in her office working on my lastest whim of a drawing. Usually they were just things I saw around the house, like the whole kitchen or the bathroom. It wasn't like there was anything else to actually do.  But one time I asked Joel if he would let me sketch him and he did, but he wouldn't let me actually turn it in for a grade, so I ended up turning one in that was of the tree outside my bedroom window. As I got closer to Joel, I got closer to Nick, Ryan, Eric and Charles. They were like his little group, and oddly enough he wasn't the leader. Nick was, and Joel seemed to be the laid back one in the group, which really surprised me. He was usually, at home at least, always trying to get me to do something. He never did, but he tried all the same. I was accepted into the group, and I was the alpha female, and Nick expected me to bow to him. That never happened, I beat him many times. Sending him running, yelping for his mom, but he never gave up. Dispite all the fighting Nick and I had a good friendshp, we worked well together because we didn't have any hidden anger from each other. And it seemed to get under Joel's skin. After a few rounds with Nick, Joel wouldn't be able to be in the same room with him, or me. Seeing as we lived to gether that was an issue that would need to be solved real soon. Charlie was close to my favorite, he was just the happy-go-lucky and he was always trying to slove everyone's problems, seemingly not having any of his own. And Ryan was the one who was in love with the mirror. I mean I know Nick has his moments, but that man was the one I went to if I needed to mirror, which was sad, because he didn't carry a purse and I did. Eric was the normal one, the one that always gave the weird looks to the others to let them know that what they were doing was no socially acceptable anywhere in the United States.


I sat in the art room after school and I looked at the blank canvus. It wasn't really blank I told my mind, it was just waiting for be exposed for the world to see. I was sitting on a stool, and I saw the cheerleaders out on the football field. I wasn't out in space, when I pulled myself out of my daydreams, I noticed or rather felt someone standing behind me.

"Creeper." I said out loud and the person laughed, and right away I knew it was Logan. A guy that had been trying to hit on me for the past few weeks. Usually I just ignored him. 

"Go away Logan, I don't have time to deal with you right now." I mumbled and started to sketch on the canvas to make it appear as if I was actually doing something, but I really wasn't sure what I was drawing.

"Oh come on, you don't have to put up the front that you don't care about me, I know you're madly in love with me." I barked out a laugh and turned to face him. Standing as I spoke.

"You can't be serious! You have such and ego, and I never date a guy with an ego, they always turn out to be assholes." And I put my stuff away and I grabbed my bag. I tried to walk away and he caught my arm.

"I don't like being toyed with Bailey."

"I'm not toying with you, I don't want to date you, I never did. And time to wake up, I never will." I pulled away from him and her stepped in front of the door.

"Move Logan."

"no." I felt myself getting worked up.

"Logan. Move." And it was like he couldn't disobey me. He moved aside and I walked out into the hall. Hoping to escape him before he could do anymore damage. I was at my locker when he apporached me again.

"Enough messing around, come on lets go somewhere quiet." 

"No." I put my stuff in my locker and I turned to walk away and he shoved me to the ground.

"Skank." I felt my whole body want to change, to make him stop following me, trying to touch me.

"Alice?" I looked up and Joel looked down at me.

"Oh thank god." I whispered and stood. I walked over to Joel, who wrapped an arm around my waist and Logan looked terribly upset.

"Whore." And Joel stepped forward, and I caught his arm. Logan jumped back a step and glared at him.

"Come on." I tugged him out of the school and he got in the car and he looked very upset.

"Relax Joel, it's alright."

"He could have hurt you, if I hadn't come along-"

"but he didn't and he won't, now relax before I force you to." And he took a deep breathe in and then let it out.

"I have a date tonight." He spoke up and for a reason that I couldn't quite place, I felt like he was mine. He wasn't, as far as I knew I could only be with another Alpha according to Alley.  So I didn't have much of a chance to be with Joel.

"oh, that's great!" I threw on a smile and shot him a quick look becasue I was driving and he nodded like he was taking in my reaction. And when we pulled in he got out of the car quickly, and I felt like everything was crumbling down around me. I had a pack now, and I was supposed to lead them and I couldn't even take care of myself. I sighed and got out of the car and I didn't even wait. For the first time since, well the first time. I shifted and I sat in the garage next to my car as a silver wolf. I ran out into the snow, and I wasn't in a playful mood, but the snow got the best of me and I ran. As fast as I could manage in the snow. And I flew through the woods, like I knew them. And the truth was I didn't know them very well, but I could always follow my nose and my tracks home of worse came to worse. I stopped running and plopped down in the snow breathing heavy, my ears pricked forward for any noise.  I picked my head up and turned to the left. A wolf sat there watching me. He wasn't anyone I knew, his smell was different. I growled, which Alley had showed me how a few weeks ago.

You don't belong here, go home little she wolf. I raised my lips on a whim. And he didn't seem phased. I stood and walked past him into the woods. I would go were I pleased, and no one would stop me. I heard the growl only second before the snap. And I swung around and the wolf jumped towards my neck. I pulled away and snapped at his face to get him to back away, and he took only a single step back. Like there was no threat from me, and I went to raise my lips once again and his ears pricked toward the house, and before I could start a wolf stood on the wood line. And the other male turned and growled at him. And I took my leave, but I didn't get far. He grabbed my scruf and I yelped. Before he let go. I shook out my shoulders relieving the tense muscles that had risen. And I walked past him again and he lunged, and we were tangled together in a wall of fur, snapping and snarling at each other, and eventually he found he was evenly matched with me. And he backed away and I plopped down in the snow entirely too tired to find my way home. But I managed to push myself up and follow my tail back home, a lot slow than I had come, but I still got home about a half hour before sun set. I shifted and grabbed the clothes from my car and quickly got dressed. The cold air raised goose bumps on my flesh. I walked in and I felt worn, brusied and slightly broken. And when I walked in I found Joel on the couch making out with one of the cheerleaders from school, and it hurt like he had hit me across the face. But I didn't say anything. Joel may be a part of my pack, but I wasn't going to limit him on what he could do. I walked up the stairs quietly making sure I didn't disturbe them and when I got to my room I turned on the recorder and my mother's voice filled the room with soothing tones of comfort. I hadn't really listened to any new ones, I kept listening to the one that I played the day my Aunt left me. The tone in her voice made my heart burn for family. And it wasn't a bad as the sting of pain from Joel and the cheerleader. 

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