Five - Shifting

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 The pain burst from my back, like someone was twisting my spine, I tried to scream, but Alley covered my mouth with her hand.

"No, don't scream. The people of this town are not as understanding as they use to be." And I tried to break free from the table.

"No, you'll end up hurting yourself." And it was like something in me needed out, but I wanted the pain to stop, so I was holding back. I needed to be myself, I couldn't give into something I didn't understand.

"Look at me Alice, if you don't let this go, you might blow your heart. It can't take the stress, you need to relax." I shook my head and my jaw cracked out of place. And everything seemed to just hurt, and it was like my spine was being pulled out of my back. This wasn't right, I broke one leather strap, and I spun on the table snapping another.

"Damn, she's strong." Charlie latched onto my arms and someone else came into the room, I'm not sure who, but there were more hands on me in few seconds. Trying to pin me down, and I fought, I couldn't not fight, someone straddled me and took my face into their hands.

"Bailey look at me. Open your eyes." I did and a pair of cool blue eyes stared into mine.

"Don't fight her. Let her loose." I didn't know his name, but his words were so soft. And I remember fading into darkness.


I opened my eyes, and the light was too bright. I went to put my hand over my eyes, and something touched my face but it wasn't my hand. I launched myself to my feet, and no one else was in the room except Alley. She stood leaning against the wall.

"Bailey, can you hear me." Her voice was at a whisper. I wanted to talk, but I wasn't really sure how to do that. My mouth wouldn't form words.

"Just think your answer, I will hear it. I promise."

I'm fine, what happened?

"Once Joel spoke to you, you just gave in. And not a moment too soon, you almost blew your heart. Next time won't be as bad. I promise."

When will be next time? I pushed myself to my feet, all four of them. I wasn't quite sure how to walk,  but then I got that nagging feeling again. Home. I needed to go home. I looked to Alley, and everything was more clear, but there was color. Which surprsied me.

I thought dogs couldn't see in color She smirked.

"They can't, but your not a dog, you're a werewolf. There is a difference. Now come on, I promised I would take you home." I put my hands out in front of me, and pretty much just rolled off the table.

"Okay, you'll need to learn how to walk." She grabbed me around the middle, and I got all four of my feet under me.

"Now, have you ever seen a wolf walk?"

On T.V. She nodded.

"Well that's how you have to walk." I took my first few steps and she nodded.

"Alright lets go."  she walked out of the shop, and opened the door to a car. And I knew what a car was,  but I didn't want to go near it. Something told me not to.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." I pulled myself up, and sat in the front seat. And when she she started the car, I growled. But it sounded more like a burp.

"Relax. you're fine." I looked out the window, and the longer it took the worse the feeling got.

Hurry, please. She stopped the car outside the house, and I looked toward the door, but of course I didn't have thumbs. I waited a few more seconds and I didn't even think before jumping down in the snow. Which was a mistake, but I had to get in the house. It was about 6:30 in the morning by this point. She knocked, and Aunt Willow opened the door and I forced my way in. And she put a hand over her mouth. And Lucas was the first to launch himself at me.

"Sissy." I smiled and sat down. Aunt Willow came forward and took Lucas away from me.

"You-" She started, but Lucas pulled away from her, and he sat in betwen my front legs, I laid down and he laid his head against my soft fur and my feeling of danger left me. It was all because of him. I relaxed and Aunt Willow looked into my eyes.

"I didn't think your mother really was-" She backed into a chair and sat down, I looked at her and Lucas was asleep within seconds.

"you must have some questions." Alley walked in and Aunt Willow shook her head. 

"You can't live here anymore Bailey, I won't have you around my children when you're like this."

"You have to be kidding me!!" Alley spoke up and she stood up to Aunt Willow.

"She is not someone you can throw out on the street."

"Watch me. This is my house-"

"Think good and hard, who left what to who." And Aunt Willow's eyes got wide, and she looked to me.

"Her parents left this to her! Not you. You are living in her house actually so think twice before trying to kick her out." Lucas cuddled to me and I laid my head around the sleeping child and Willow looked at me with fear.

"She isn't going to hurt him is she?"

"No, she loves that child. She came back for him becascue she thought he might be in danger." She looked at me uneasily. 

"She is still herself, she understands what you are saying, and she can answer your questions, if you let her." And Aunt Willow shook her head and Alley sent me up to my room. I took a hold of Lucas by the hood of his shirt and Aunt WIllow almost had a heart attack. Very gently I laid him on the couch. and I walked up to my room, I paced and I sat near the window, and my legs were aching like they were numb, and they needed to be stretched.

"Bailey? Charlie is waiting for you out by the car." I looked over my shoulder and followed her down the stairs. And I walked out in the snow, thinking about how my aunt wanted to kick me out of the house. Charlie sat contently in the snow, and I wasn't paying much attention, but my attention was focused when I was tackled to the side. I rolled in the snow, I needed to get my feet under me. And I looked toward Charlie who was still sitting by the car. This was a different boy. He didin't look like much of an attacker, but he had easily knocked the wind out of me.

Bailey this is Nick, he is going to help you learn how to fight. I yawned involventary and Nick jumped at me.


I woke up the next morning, and I was sore in places, that I was pretty sure normal human's didn't have. I rolled out of bed and my aunt looked at me.

"I can't expect you to control something you were born with, but I do expect to keep your teeth and claws away from my children." I rolled my shoulders and pushed myself out of bed. 

"I'm not going to harm your children." I got to my feet, and my stomach hurt more than my shoulders. I looked down, not a mark on my skin, but the muscles underneath were so sore, they needed to be worked. I laid on the floor tucking me feet under my dresser like I use to do for track. And I pushed myself into sit ups, while my aunt nagged at me.

"Just be sure you keep to yourself when you feel whatever that was coming." I looked up at her and she took a step back.

"Is it fear that makes you treat me like this?" I asked in between sit ups.

"No..." She sat down on the bed and looked at me.

"As much as I tried to tell myself that you are my daughter, last night..just made it clear that you aren't. And never will be. You are my neice, and that's all you can be. You're my sister's daughter." And I looked at her.

"I know that."

"And I can't stay here with you. I'll leave you your car, but we are going back to Oklahoma."


"I've already discussed it with William. We are leaving today. Our stuff is already packed. You have enough money in your trust fund that will last you for awhile, until you can get a job."

"You're just going to leave Alaska!" She stood and I was on my feet before she could make it to the door.

"You can't be serious."

"Good-bye Bailey." And she walked out the door.

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