I was checking the Warriors Wiki and I found the Rock page, found these conversations on it;
(real conversations from the series, also)
Rock: "I can feel your surprise. It pricks my pelt like gorse."
Fallen Leaves: "I-I'm sorry. It's just I did not expect-"
Rock: "You did not expect a cat could grow so ugly. A cat needs wind and sun to shine his fur and good hunting to trim his claws. But I must stay close to our warrior ancestors, those who have taken their place beneath the earth."
Fallen Leaves: "And for that we thank you."
Rock: "Don't thank me. It was a destiny I was bound to follow. Besides, you may not feel so grateful to me once your initiation has begun. The uncrossed lines mark the cats who went into the tunnels but did not return."
Fallen Leaves: "Which tunnels did they go into?"
Rock: "I cannot help you. To become a sharpclaw, you must find your own way out. I can only send you on your way with the blessing of our ancestors."
Fallen Leaves: "Can't you give me any advice?"
Rock: "Without light, you will have only your instincts. Follow them and if they are true, you will be safe."
Fallen Leaves: "What if they are not true?"
Rock: "Then you will die in darkness."
Midnight: "Since the dawn of time, we have known each other. Since first cat put paw beside water."
Rock: "We watched the first sunrise over the lake."
Midnight: "It burst water into flame. And in firey reflection, we see future of all cats: Tribe of Rushing Water, five Clan, four Clan, forest, and lake."
Rock: "We saw your whole journey, from lake to forest and back. The prophecies all came from that first reflected sunrise-the cat with a pelt of flame that would save the Clans, the silver cat that would save the Tribe of Rushing Water, and finally the four who would carry the last hope, not just of the Clans, but of light itself."
Midnight: "Now we fear we see a final sunset that ends your story."
Half Moon: "But the four? They will save us, surely?"
Midnight: "They came as we saw they would and, when they came, they lit the darkest fires. So you and all long-dead cats burn like stars once more."
Rock: "But evil is coming."
Midnight: "Darkness we saw born like littermate alongside the light. Now all must stand and fight."
(dangit I love Midnight shes awesome)