sleepycat character thing

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eyy made a newer/second fursona thing
ill draw him later

some info

- he needs friends

- constantly sleepy

- second fursona thing

- moths 4 life

- wants a pet moth

- loves cats (??? whatever a pet cat would be to an anthro)

- has rlly long eyelashes for a guy

- Halloween is his favorite holiday

- he was born like two days before Halloween

- he probably needs sleeping pills

- so very passive

- you could set his tail on fire and he'll apologize to you actually no he probably won't but like dump soup in his lap and he will

- always has a pocket knife on hand for self-defense (even tho he sucks at it)

- has cut himself multiple times on the pocket knife (accidents happen yo)

- such very loyal (except in a horror movie then he'd ditch your butt)

- would ditch you if he's scared

- useless when frightened

- smells like old books and candy. also probably like dry leaves

- wears the same Halloween costume every year (dog mask, fluffy-er tail, dark blue cape)

- "oh hello there in the bushes what're you up to"

- would trust anyone

- probably gonna get kidnapped again at some point

- mom was really protective (like glance at him and prepare for the smackdown)

- dad left when he was like 1

- no memory of dad

- was kidnapped when he was like 4 (he was locked in a car and screamed for 3 hours till his mom found him and punched the kidnapper)

- turns out the kidnapper was a cop who got worried

- refuses to wear shoes

- will scream

- turns out dad was a guy who acted all kind but then realized kids suck and ditched 'em

- got punched in the nose when he was in 4th grade and now hes got a rlly sensitive nose (like it starts bleeding for no reason)

- an expert in washing out blood stains

- could fix anything with some duct tape


- ringtone is the valley by the oh hellos

- the oh hellos are great

- his mom is his neighbor because legit neither of them could deal with leaving

- wants a gf/bf (he don't care which gender he just wants someone to live with)

- hates mornings

- sleeps in baggy shorts and socks

- washes all clothing once a month. on this day he locks himself inside and watches netflix naked until the laundy's done

- "hi dark man in a trenchcoat wanna hug"

- rlly vulnerable

- will cut you if you scare him too much

- thinks breathing into a bag is soothing

- the smell of gasoline/car gas is lovely

- loves flowers

- would wear a flower if it didn't attract bees

- bees are terrifying

- would gladly punch you if you hurt his friend

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