wow I'm bored so here we go
Blood roared in his ears, chest feeling like it'd burst with each bound as a young tomcat raced over thick tussocks of grass. The thundering of paws followed close behind.
Minkpaw panted heavily. He tried to extend each stride, as the sound of pawsteps grew ominously louder. He bolted through a small meadow, sliding past a thick clump of longer grass and hurrying forward.
Your nearing the big hill, his mind screamed, you can escape from them there!
Minkpaw snatched a glance over his shoulder, spotting patches of tortoiseshell and gray fur over the grass. Their trying to surround me!
The brown tabby gripped the ground with each leap, knowing how dreadfully close he was to tumbling down the big hill. If he could skid sideways on the hill, he could hide in the thick brambles on the side, and it would send his pursuers scrabbling to keep up.
Minkpaw suddenly felt a massive weight on his shoulders, and he dropped to the grass. Flashes of gray and brown fur clogged his vision, though he also caught glimpses of the world, seeing it spinning. He could feel grass and pebbles being crushed under his back. Great StarClan, I'm rolling down the hill!
As he finally skidded to a halt on flat ground, the cat who'd tackled him stood, panting.
"Gotcha!" Smokepaw chirped with a sly grin. Minkpaw shook his ears, rolling his eyes. Morningpaw was still stumbling down the hill towards them.
"Sure you did. I could've outrun you." Minkpaw retorted, scrambling onto his paws. Grass was sticking from Smokepaw's gray fur, and he guessed his tabby pelt was no better.
Morningpaw skidded down beside the gray apprentice.
"You're too fast!" she wheezed for breath, "We should've asked Magpiepaw to be the rabbit..."
"But Magpiepaw's too slow! He'd be more like a snail than a target!" Smokepaw snorted.
Minkpaw sat, panting. He was tired, muscles burning and lungs heaving. But they weren't far from the truth; Minkpaw was the fastest apprentice in MossClan, and not many could outrun him. Unfortunately, Smokepaw was a great jumper.
"Come on, you two. I'll race you back to camp!" Minkpaw leapt to his paws, and ignored the stinging in his legs as he ducked down, ready to bolt off towards camp.
"No! Wait! We should race to the stonepath, at the southward border!" Morningpaw interrupted with an excited tone. Of course she wants to race to the border, she always wants to see what's past it. Minkpaw paused.
"We know where it is, rabbit-brain! Come on!" Smokepaw mrrowed, racing off towards the southward border. Minkpaw bolted off close behind, with Morningpaw at his tail.
After what seemed like a moon of running, they skidded to a stop at the stonepath.
Minkpaw wrinkled his nose at the stench of it. Why would Morningpaw want to come here? Just as the thought crossed his mind, a distant him grew into a deafening roar, and a huge red monster zipped past, the wind chasing it nearly making Minkpaw collapse.
"Hey, I bet you can't catch a pipit!" Smokepaw dared with a bristling tail, pointing towards the marshland which outlined the horizon.
"And I bet you can't catch a duck!" Minkpaw retorted. He couldn't back down to a dare.
"How about we cross under the stonepath? Then we can know the answer!" Morningpaw suggested with wide eyes.—
nah sorry I'm tired