rly quick possible story plot

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hey so I found some oriental kitties and clearly their on a journey
so I guess I'll make a quick story plot thing

OK SO I'll sort these by pictures

OK SO I'll sort these by pictures

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It all starts on a patrol. The Siamese in the far back is Timberface, the white-and-ginger cat is Lightwhisker, and the tabby in the front Mudpaw, Lightwhisker's apprentice. Their all cats of ThunderClan. While on the patrol, the medicine cat (Sparkheart) runs up to them and states Lightwhisker and Mudpaw must return to camp. They all reluctantly head back home, Sparkheart, Lightwhisker, and Mudpaw going to the Leader's Den. The leader (Stormstar) meets them and Sparkheart tells of an omen, which showed a tuft of white fur and a tuft of brown fur blowing off beyond the border into the shadow forest outside the territories. Lightwhisker and Mudpaw are supposed to go on a journey. After a long three moons of waiting and getting ready, they finally set off.

 After a long three moons of waiting and getting ready, they finally set off

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Lightwhisker doesn't like the idea, but still goes. Mudpaw is excited about the journey. They both first trek through more oak woodland, then into a pine forest. Lightwhisker catches a stray rabbit and they share the meal. Mudpaw runs off ahead after the meal, and his mentor has to chase after him. After another dreadful two moons of padding through the forest, they find a wide moorland.

 After another dreadful two moons of padding through the forest, they find a wide moorland

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Lightwhisker, seeing the maturity in Mudpaw growing, allows him to run ahead. Lightwhisker is getting older, and Mudpaw should've become a warrior by now. Lightwhisker finds a large rock and decides to give him his warrior name, reciting the ancient words as though she's Clan leader. Mudpaw is renamed Mudheart, for his bravery and loyalty. The two—after five moons of wandering—come across an elderly cat named Moss, who informs them he'd been waiting. He states they must return to their Clan and rid of RiverClan, as a terrifying threat is rising through its ranks. The two run off towards home, but it takes nearly eight moons to return to their Clan.
Like Moss predicted, RiverClan attacked the other Clans during a Gathering, and they now lived in turmoil. Lightwhisker and Mudheart, after moons of recovering from their journey and plotting what they'll do, finally attack RiverClan at their camp and rid of the horrid leader who'd lead all the pain and danger. The Clans slowly return to their former glory, though it takes a whole year to fix everything. Lightwhisker passes from old age during this time period, and Mudheart is appointed deputy after training an apprentice.

Ahh sorry that was really bad but oh well

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