How I met him

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I came on a hunt for a Wendigo. I ride up on my Harley, cut the engine and head into the woods. It's dark. About 12:30. I've already fed. It's easy. I track the thing right away. And I shoot it with a nullifier, trapping it.

A twig snaps behind me. I wheel around to find Dean Winchester and his brother Sam. And I zing. With Dean. "Holy fucking mother of Christ, she's sexy," I hear Sam say. Keeping my cool, I walk up to him, "Hey, I'm guessing you're Dean Winchester." I turn to the Moose. "Which makes you Sam. Nice to meetcha, I'm Elisa."

Sam stands there wide eyed. Dean's slackjawed. "So you wanna burn this bastard, or should I?" I ask.

"Um, uh, ugh, eh . . ." Dean stutters.

"He means sure," Sam says.

I must look like quite a sight. Leather jacket, skinny jeans, heeled leather boots, and my hair all windswept and curled. My lip curls up in a smirk, "Well, hurry up." I nod my head to the creature. "Before I have to nullify it again."

Sam gives me a strange look before lighting the Wendigo on fire. He mutters to himself, "Never thought there'd be two Wendigos in the same area . . ."

Once the thing's toast, I take off towards my baby. I turn around, "You coming or what?"

They begin walking. "W-what did you mean nullify?" Sam asks. I pick up my Nullifier. "This," I say. "Shoot something with it and it turns into it's original form and can't use it's powers for a few minutes. Great when you suspect a creature."

"Oh," Sam says. Dean is so quiet it's scary.

I put the nullifier back in a holster on my hip. My gun is on my right hip and my knife is strapped to my thigh.

Sam must suspect me, because he asks, "What are you?"

"Vampire," it rolls off my tongue. Sam tosses a knife at my back. I catch it, "Talk about rude. Bitch. I'm not the type of Vamp you hunt. You hunt the monsters. The dead ones. Even I hunt them. They're sick, disgusting creatures."

"Huh?" Sam asks.

"There are two types of Vamps. The dead and the alive. The dead are created by drinking Vampire blood. The alive are born. We're much more sophisticated. Those nasty creatures give us a bad name.

"It all started when a rogue Xplyndros nearly killed a human. Then he got the idea to give it his blood, thus beginning the creation of 'dead' Vamps. I'm not like they are. So watch it."

I toss the knife back to him, "You can tell the difference between us because the dead ones burn in sunlight, it hurts their eyes, and you see a dying or dead, decomposing body inside their own when they're in direct sunlight. My people can walk in sun. We get sunburnt easily and we don't do as well when looking through direct sunlight, and you can see our Xplyndros forms slightly, but sun isn't nearly as bad."

"Oh," Sam says. Dean's staring at me. I can feel his eyes.

"So, you wanna work with me?" I ask. "I'm good on hunts and Vamps never suspect me. I can scope a nest in the day and tell you what's going on at night."

"Uh," Dean starts. "S-sure."

"Great," I grin as we walk back to the parking lot. I see a 1967 Chevy Impala parked beside my Harley. "Nice ride," I nod to the car.

"Thanks," Dean grins, returning from his daze. "What do you ride?"

"It's right beside yours," I nod to my Harley.

"Well, I'll meet you back at your hotel. I'll get a room beside yours. Come over if you want and we can drink and talk." I grin as I put my helmet on, taking off, leaving them in awe.

My brother calls me and my head piece rings, "Hello? Eli?"

"Yo, just checkin' on you. I don't like not going with you on your hunt. I should be there. We should never hunt alone," Eli says.

"Eli, I'm a very capable lady," I laugh.

"I know that, Ellie. But I don't want to lose you to some creature that together, we could've stopped," Eli says.

"Hey, don't worry about me. It was just a Wendigo. I did bumped into two hunters, though. Sam and Dean Winchester. They seem nice enough. And I zinged with Dean," I can't help but to blush at his name.

"Okay, that worries me more," Eli laughs. "Just stay safe, okay?"

"Alright, Eli. Love you," I say.

"Love you too, Ellie."

Back at the hotel, I grin, leaning against my bike, "Took ya long enough."

"Hey, can I ride your Harley?" Dean asks.

I smirk, "I don't know. She's my baby. I mean, I can give you a ride, if ya want."

He smirks back, "Well, I usually don't let women have control, but on this occasion . . ."

I laugh and get him a helmet. We take off.

After a ride, where Dean whoops and hollers, we return to the hotel.

"Want some Vodka?" I ask as they enter my room. "I can't hold my liquor very well, but I'm guessing you boys can."

And thus presumes a night of talking about our hunts and drinking. And Dean gets drunk.

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