Bloody Mary

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"Hey, I like your zing," Eli says, not even saying who it is. But I already knew it was him.

"Thanks," I laugh. "He's a pretty good guy."

"Whatcha doing?" Eli asks.

"Hunt. Deity only knows what it is this time," I say.

"Well, just be safe, okay? Love ya," Eli says.

"Love you too," I smile.

Dean and I park our respected machines in front of a hospital. I open Sam's door as Sam starts screaming in his sleep.

"Sam, wake up!" Dean pats his shoulder.

He sits up quickly, "I take it I was having a nightmare?"

"Yeah, another one," I say.

"Hey, at least I got some sleep," Sam says.

"Yeah, well, sooner or later, we're gonna have to talk about that," Dean says.

"Are we here?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, welcome to Toledo, Ohio," I say.

"So what do you think really happened to this guy?" Sam holds up the paper with Stephen Shoemaker on the front page.

"That's what we're gonna find out," Dean says. "Let's go."

We walk into the hospital to the morgue. The desk badge reads Dr. D Feiklowicz.

"Hey," a guy says.

"Hey," I say.

"Can I help you?" the man asks.

"Yeah, we're the med students," Dean says.

"Sorry?" the guy asks.

"Oh, Dr. Feiklowicz didn't tell ya? We talked to him on the phone. He, uh, we're from Ohio State. He's supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse. It's for our paper," I say.

"Well, I'm sorry, he's at lunch," the man says.

"Oh, well he said, uh, ah well, it doesn't matter," Dean says. "You don't mind just showing us the body, do you?"

"Sorry, I can't," the man says. "Doc will be back in an hour, you can wait for him if you want."

"An hour? Oh, we've got to be heading back to Columbus by then," I say.

"Yeah," Sam nods.

"Uh, look man, this paper's like half our grade, so if you don't mind helping us out-"

"Look man," the man cuts Dean off. "No."

"Hehe," I chuckle. "Let me hit 'em in his face," I mutter.

Sam pulls out his wallet, tossing down $100.

"Follow me," the man snatches it up.

"Dude, I earned that money," Dean yanks Sam's shoulder.

"You won it in a poker game," Sam says.

"Yeah," I snicker.

"Now, the newspaper said his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding," Sam says as we stand over the body.

"More than that, they practically liquified," the man pulls back the sheet.

"Any sign of struggle? Maybe someone did it to him?" Dean asks.

"Nope," the man says. "Besides the daughter, he was all alone."

"What's the official cause of death?" Sam asks.

"Doc's not sure. He's thinkin' massive stroke, maybe an aneurysm," the man says as we look at the holes in Mr. Shoemaker's head. "Something burst up in there, that's for sure."

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