Tied Up

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"Dean, this is hard," I whine, throwing the rope down in frustration. "Why can't I just break the ropes?" Dean shakes his head with a soft smile. "You need to know just in case you're hit with a nullifier. You have to untie it like this," he says, for the fifth time, trying to go slowly so I can follow. I try it again and the knot disappears. "Yes!" I practically yell, throwing the rope down again and shaking my hips in victory.

Dean laughs. I stop, remembering that he's still there. "Sorry," I giggle.

"One more knot and then we're done for the day," he says, becoming serious again.

"Seriously?" I ask, slightly annoyed. Ne nods. Damn it.

I grab the rope that Dean has already tied the knot into. Here goes nothing. I start to untie the rope, making the knot tighter in the process. "Damn," I mutter under my breath. My phone starts to buzz on the table. Before I can get it, however, Dean picks it up and flips it open. "Hey Eli. Yeah, she's fine. We're a little busy at the moment. Yeah. Bye," he says into the phone. Before I can grab it to talk to Eli, Dean puts the phone behind his back, turning it off in the process. I huff in annoyance and go back to trying to untie the knot.

After about 30 minutes of cutting off circulation and almost tearing off nails, the knot is untied. "Finally!" I say, putting the rope on the table. "Can I have my phone?" I ask, facing Dean.

"Nope," he smiles at me.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because you didn't say the word," he's teasing me.

"Can I please have my fucking phone?" I ask, slightly annoyed. I untied the knot and I read the book he wanted me to read. I'm not in the mood for this. "No," he says again, giving me a goofy grin.

I pounce on him, trying to get my phone back. The element of surprise doesn't work as well as I had hoped. Dean put my phone in his front pants pocket.

I try to pin him down, but we're all entangled in rope from rolling around on the ground. I sigh in defeat and lay on the ground, my energy depleted. And then the ground is moving. It takes me a second to realize I'm laying on Dean. He's laughing.

"Dammit, Dean! This isn't a situation that you can laugh yourself out of," I say, pointing to all the rope. He continues to laugh as I try to move around. The ropes aren't being cooperative whatsoever, so we're stuck there.

"Hey, when I do this, I'm usually on top," he laughs, pecking me on the lips.

"Dean," I giggle. I try to put my hands around his neck, but they're bound in rope. He rolls on top of me. "Okay, where's my knife . . ." he starts. We look over to where the knife is stuck in the wood of the table. "Fuck," Dean says.

By rolling, Dean has pulled the rope tighter, giving me even less room to move around. Dean tries to wriggle himself out of the rope, but succeeds only a little bit. Only his right leg is free to move around. Subconsciously, he places it between my legs. I blush and giggle.

"If only we were naked," I grin.

"Yeah," Dean grins back. He's propped up on his arms, trying to keep from falling on me. I close my eyes and purse my lips. He presses his lips against mine. He licks my bottom lip and I part my lips.

Still locked in the kiss, Sam bursts through the door. "Really, guys?" he asks, interrupting the kiss.

"Oh, hey Sammy. We kinda got tied up. Literally," Dean explains.

"It's Sam," Sam grabs the knife, cutting the ropes and helping us up.

"Sorry, Sam. He wouldn't give me back my phone, so I, uh, tackled him," I explain further.

"Well, try to control yourselves," Sam teases. "All this kissy crap is driving me nuts."

"You'll get used to it," I turn and kiss Dean again.

"Oh God, please help me," Sam turns away. 

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