You're my soulmate

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The boys have left, first Sam, then Dean. And then there's a knock on my door. I open the door to find Dean leaning against the door frame, holding a drink from a vending machine. I'm in complete darkness, the only light coming from a nightlight in the bathroom.

"Oh, good, I found the right on," Dean says, walking in, "You ever notice how all these doors look the same?"

Dean sits on my bed. He looks down at his jacket, confused as to why it won't come off. I laugh as I realize it's because it's zipped up.

"Uhhh, hey Sammy? Can you help me get this thing off?" Sam? He thinks I'm Sam? Damn, I wasted him.

"Yeah, sure, Dean," I say, walking over. I unzip the jacket and Dean takes it off, tossing it to the floor.

"Hey, I'm sorry I threatened to kill you in the car," Dean says.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted. There's just something about that hunter girl . . ." Dean trails off.

"Elisa?" I ask. I know I'm different, but what's he talking about? Can he feel the zing? "What about Elisa, Dean?"

"Honestly, Sammy, I love her. I mean, it's not the normal love people feel. This, this is more intense."

"What do you mean, Dean?"

"I mean, like, you know in movies how when someone meets their soulmate time just . . . stops? Well, that's what happened when I met her today. She caught the Wendigo, Sammy. And then she turned around to us, and Sammy, I swear she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And the way she was illuminated by the flames behind her, I just . . ." Dean pauses, smiling at the floor. "She's the most badass girl I've ever seen. That's when time slowed down, Sammy. That's when I fell in love with the girl that single-handedly caught a Wendigo. And everything she's done tonight has made me fall in love with her more. I fell in love with her again when she said that the Impala was a 'nice ride.' And I love the way she rides that Harley. When she says my name, I can't help but smile. Sammy, that girl is my soulmate, but I don't know what to do. What should I do?" he asks, looking up at me.

I can't answer for a few moments because I'm so close to tears. Here Dean has just unknowingly confessed his love to me. My zing has just confessed his love to me and he doesn't even know it.

"I, um . . . I think you should tell her, Dean."

"Really? You think so? I don't know . . . What if she doesn't feel the same way? I've only known her for a few hours . . ."

"Dean, can I tell you a secret?"

"Yeah, what?"

"Elisa told me she liked you. But she made me promise not to tell anyone."

"Seriously?" Dean exclaims, excitement filling his bloodshot eyes.

"Yeah, seriously. So you should tell her. Tomorrow, though, you need to get some sleep first."

"Yeah . . . yeah, okay. Tomorrow! I'll tell her tomorrow," he says as I lay him down on the bed, pulling a blanket over him. He's asleep within minutes, leaving me to process everything he's told me.

I walk over to the other bed, smiling at Dean's sleeping form as I walk past him. I lay down, falling asleep with thoughts of Dean running through my mind.

The next morning, I wake up to find Dean smiling nervously at me, "Hey, I, uh . . . I just wanted to tell you that I remember everything I told you last night." He walks over and takes my hands in his. "And I want you to know that it's all true. It wasn't just the alcohol talking, I meant every single thing I said."

"Dean, I-" before I can say anything, he's pulled my face to his and is kissing me. It's a simple kiss. He pulls away from me after a few seconds and rests his forehead on mine.

"I love you, Elisa."

"I love you too, Dean."

I feel his warm breath skim across my neck. I can't help but to let out a soft moan. He carries me to the bed and his mouth slams against my own.

As Dean kisses me, his hands snake down to my waist and grip firmly. I can't control myself. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He slides his left hand underneath my black shirt, his warm strong hand gliding up my back.

He pulls me into his lap and tugs my shirt off. I blush bright red. I grab his thighs. His warm hands softly caress my back, pulling my shirt off. I arch my back at his touch, tilting my head back slightly. His right hand brushes my hair away from my neck and he gives me light kisses on my exposed skin. I let out another small moan and gently squeeze his things. He begins to suck on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

I slowly start to move my waist against his, causing him to moan. I let my hands move up his inner thighs and he starts rubbing extremely close to my sex. The touch of his hands on my thighs feels like fire.

"Um, guys?" the door opens. We both snap back to reality. We turn to see Sam in the doorway.

"Sam, what the Hell?!" Dean shouts, quickly grabbing my shirt from the bed and helping me put it on.

Sam just rolls his eyes, "We should probably go now."

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