T H R E E | Welcome To The Blood Moon Pack

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{Pic of Blood Moon Pack house. Edited}

Song: Parallel

Artist (s): Heffron Drive

Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon, and every month it cries for the love it cannot touch.


West Indies need 19 more runs from 6 balls.

That's not bad. England can do it.

It's a six

Don't panic it's not over yet.

13 from 5 balls...it's a six

Calm down. Deep breaths. In and out.

7 from 4 balls...it's a six

No. No. No. Nooooooo

1 from 3 balls...the ball is delivered by Stokes and...it's another six...

I jumped out of my seat pulling at my hair, screaming at the screen from frustration. So close. So blooming close. I was on the verge of tears. They were also tears of frustration.

"I don't care whether they lost. They are the real champions for me." I declared looking at Alec. I turned around towards the screen once again only to see Stokes sitting on the ground, his head in his hands crying, while his team mates comforted him. You're a champion Stokes.

"Come on, they were good" Alex said referring to the WI's

"They were amazing, which is why they won. But I still wanted England to win" I replied picking up all the stray Pepsi cans to chuck away. Half of the Pack had gathered in the screening room to watch the World Cup final. Some were happy with the results...some not so much.

"How about we go see the Alpha?" Alec recommended pulling at my arm.

"Sure. Whatever." I wasn't in the mood for anything anymore. Alpha Butler had been calling several Packs to see of they would give let us stay for a while. I'm not sure what reason he gave them because he obviously cannot share my secret with them.

Alec knocked on the office door waiting for the signal to enter. Once we heard the 'come in' we walked in to find the Alpha along with my Dad and the Luna sitting around the desk.

"We found you a Pack to stay in" was the first words that escaped the Alpha's mouth.

"Which is?" Alec asked.

"That's the difficult bit" my Dad muttered but I had heard him.

"What's that supposed to mean" I walked closer to him sitting down on the couch.

"Well, the pack doesn't have the cleanest image" the Luna said looking between Alec and I.

"As long as its not the Blood Moon Pack, we're all good" Alec laughed.

"That's exactly who they are" Dad said.

"You're kidding me" I shrieked jumping off the couch.

"You're seriously going to send us there. They're probably more dangerous then whoever's after Ali" Alec said backing me up.

"Which is why I chose them. Whoever's after Ali won't dare attack the Blood Moon Pack in the fear of getting killed." Alpha said standing from his chair and making his way towards us.

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