T W E N T Y - O N E |Plan Into Action

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{Gif of Chance. Edited}

Song: Titanium 

Artist (s): Christina Grimmie (#RIP. Still cannot believe she's gone. Such a cruel world. She will always be remembered.)

When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.


Waking up wrapped in Ashers arms the next morning was all I could ever asked for. I've always dreamed of having a mate who would love me for me. Someone who apprenticed me and someone who would have been proud to have me by his side. Asher had exceeded all my expectations. 

Lifting my head off Ashers naked chest, I squirmed out of his hold and off the bed, heading straight for the bathroom. Once I got there, I ran straight for the mirror. I brushed my hair of my shoulder and titled my neck, so I got a full view of the mark that I wore. It was simply beautiful. It was a mixture of a wolf and a raven. The wolf symbolising our kind and the raven symbolising our pack.

 The wolf symbolising our kind and the raven symbolising our pack

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Smiling, I stripped out of my clothes and jumped into the shower. Twenty minutes later, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into the room. Completely forgetting that it's not my room, I walk into the closet before realising I have no clothes in here. Embarrassed at my stupidity, I walked back out and saw Asher leaning against the headboard staring right at me, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Shut up" I muttered holding the towel tighter around my body.

"Excuse me?" he got out of bed and began to walk towards me. I backed away holding out my arm.

"How about you get me my clothes, and we can talk this out" I suggested still continuing my walk until my back hit the wall. Asher was now stood a few inches in front of me. He rested one hand on the wall next to my head and wrapped the second one around my waist. I squealed holding up my towel which was beginning to fall.

"I have a better idea" He leant down nipping at my mark. Holding back a moan, I pushed him away.

"Stop it. I need to get dressed. I have school" He looked at me with a small hint of a smile on his lips. Before I could say anything else he leant down once again, capturing my lips with his own. I bit back a moan as the hand he had resting against the wall, wrapped itself around the back of my neck. Once he licked my lips, I knew it was time to stop. 

"You need to get dressed and need to let me do the same" I panted. Me being in only a towel wasn't helping but Asher being in only his boxers wasn't either. He ignored me continuing to place butterfly kisses on my neck.

"Asher" I stressed. He stopped looking up at me, his eye the darkest of colours.

"Say it again" He growled. I swallowed too distracted by the desire swimming in his eyes. "Say it" he repeated squeezing my waist.

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