T H I R T E E N | I Promise

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{Pic of Alec. Not Edited.}

Song: Demons

Artist (s): Imagine Dragons 

Never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary.


The Alpha stood inches in-front of me and stared. Just stared. Nothing else, yet I could feel my pulse beating in my ears, blocking out all other sounds except the breath that was raggedly moving in and out of my mouth at regular, gasping intervals. Alpha constantly began to open and close his mouth. I knew he wanted to say something, but wasn't comfortable in speaking.

"I know I'm in trouble and I know I will be punished. You don't have to speak if you don't want to"

"You do not tell me what to do" He growled moving closer, pressing his body against mine. My eyes widened in realisation.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you."  He thinks that I feel that he is too weak to speak. The Alpha growled once more, and I knew the people who were eavesdropping definitely heard it. He released me running to the other sound of the room. A bang resonated the room. Taking a step back, I pressed my back against the wall, now truly afraid of his anger.

"Alpha" I called out trying to calm him down. I figured out, I further instigated him when he growled again. Within the next second he was pressed against me again. His head was tucked in my neck as he took long sniffs. 

"Alpha" I whispered pushing him back a little. He growled pinning my arms back. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind this position if the Alpha wasn't covered in cake, which he was now rubbing all over my neck. 

"The cake, Alpha." I squirmed in his hold. He moved his head back a little but didn't release me. A few seconds later he released me, moving over to the tables picking up some tissue papers. He wiped his face as best he could but there were still some remains. I just stood there and waited for him to finish. If I left, it would just anger him more and my punishment will be more severe. Once he's finished he moved back towards me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Mate. Mine. Only mine" He looked down at me. His words were barely audible but I caught them. He pulled my head resting it peacefully on his chest. At this current moment, things could not have been more peaceful. I stayed in that position for a good minute, listening to the Alpha's heart whisper into my ear.

"I'm not eighteen yet. I'm still not of age to fi-" The Alpha growled shutting me up. I wasn't offended by his growls nor' would I ever be. I understood that this was his way of communicating with another person. This is him, and I'm not planning on changing him. If he decides to open up and finally talk, that's all going to be him. He has his own life, his own secrets and I'm not going to forcefully poke my nose into it.

"You should punish me" No, I'm not crazy. I knew if the Alpha didn't punish me, his image would change in-front of the whole pack. As a Mate, I should do all I can to help my Mate's respect stay secure. He moved back looking at me, his face full of confusion.

"It's not fair, if you treat me differently. If a regular pack member made this mistake they would get punished. According to them, I am also a regular pack member" I explained. He stared at me for a few seconds and I saw respect light up in his eyes. Just as I was about to speak up again, there was a knock on the door. Alpha just continued to stare at me.

The door slowly opened and Brittany made an appearance. She had an accomplished smile on her face. The Alpha growled at her.

"Alpha" She bowed. "I have someone who wants to confess something." She walked back out the door before dragging another girl back in. I've definitely seen her around. I'm pretty sure she was one of Brittany's bimbos. The girl was in hysterics clutching a bloody nose as she stood in front of us.

"Alpha. Gabrielle purposely tripped Alicia over as she brought in the cake. I'm sorry I broke one of the Pack rules by abusing her but it had to be done" Brittany said pointing at the girl. Gabrielle was shaking violently staring at the ground. Alpha let out an authoritative growl sending Brittany and Gabrielle to their knees. I instantly followed their lead. If I stayed standing, Gabrielle would have gotten suspicious. Alpha gripped my arms before I hit the ground, pulling me back up on my feet. His eyes suddenly glazed over and a second later Chance walks into the room, my Dad, Alec and Alpha Butler in tow.

"Gabrielle, you will be punished for your act, no doubt. The only difference is that Alicia will pick your punishment." Chance announced making me choke on air.

"What? Why me? I don't want to" I rambled. 

"There wasn't a choice" I looked at Asher. Even though Chance was the one who spoke, I knew they were Alpha's words.

"Aiden, told me to do it. I swear" Gabrielle cried. 

"In that case I let her off with a warning" I declared, ignoring her. Alpha Asher growled at me.

"You said I decide, and that is my decision."Chance turned to Alpha and waited for his approval. After getting a slight nod he turned to Gabrielle.

"You are being let off with a warning. I think you should thank Alicia" 

"Th...thank...you" She stuttered getting to her feet before running our the room. We all stood there awkwardly before Brittany left the room and everyone else followed. Alec waits at the door with raised eyebrows.

"I'll be there in a bit" I answered his un-asked question. He nodded before closing the door behind him. As soon as the door clicked the Alpha had me in his arms and his lips met mine. The kiss was slow yet fierce. Soft yet passionate. With every touch, every kiss and every breath our bond was getting stronger, making it harder to ignore. 

"Once I turn eighteen. I promise" I murmured against his lips. He slowly nodded and captured my lips again.

Right now, all I could possibly wish for is for our bond to last and for it to grow into love.

True love.


{A/N: Sup Hommiiiiesss!!!! This update was not due but because I'm super happy today I decided to update. Also don't forget to...




Lots of love - Me.}

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