S I X T E E N | I'm Sorry

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{Pic of Alpha Butler. Edited}

Song: Shut Down

Artist (s): Skepta

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.


"Will someone just please explain to me, what's going on?"

"Explain what?"

"What those signs meant. What that entire message meant." Brittany yelled frustrated from the lack of answers.

"We're going to have to explain it to the Alpha, so why don't you wait until then" Alec said shutting her up. He turned towards me raising his eyebrows.

'You gonna tell them?' I shook my head. Alec sighed looking ahead. Five minutes later we got to the Pack house and headed straight to the Alpha's office. Alec knocked on the door waiting for two seconds before entering.

There were around six men in the room sitting around a table excluding the Alpha and Chance.

"You can't just barge in here!" Chance spoke up.

"It's important" was all Alec said. The Alpha growled fiercely at his disrespect.

"Alpha please, it's important" I spoke up. His eyes snapped towards me.

"We got a message. It's important that you know." Brittany explained. Within seconds the room cleared and only the five of us remained. 

"Explain" Chance said as the Alpha sat behind his desk. Alec and Brittany instantly turned their heads towards me. I rolled my eyes before speaking up.

"We were out celebrating Alec's birthday. On our way back we sensed danger. When we checked there was nothing there. Only a message written in blood. Who's? We're not sure." 

"What did it say?" Chance asked sitting on the couch.

"We found you. You can run but you can't hide" Alec answered. Chance looked down, eyebrows furrowed.

"Anything else?"

"There were some signs" Brittany spoke up. I looked at Alec who just blinked re-assuringly. The only reason we were telling the Alpha is because this message could be a threat to the whole pack. I wasn't going to risk hurting the Pack for my own selfish reasons.

"What kind of signs?" he asked looking at her.

"There was a pile of mud. A puddle of water. A burning leaf and a diamond carved into the soil." She answered. 

"A diamond?" Chances eyes glazed over before he spoke again. "Draw it for us" Brittany stepped forward grabbing a pen from the desk before sketching down the diamond shape. We all stood in silence while the Alpha observed it.

Chance's eyes glazed over. "It's the sign for wind." I stood in a deep thought for a while "Fire. Water. Wind and...and Earth. The last one's earth. It's the four elements." I gripped Alec's hand. 

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