N I N E | Did He Just Talk?

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{Asher's Car. Edited}

Song: One Call Away

Artist (s): Charlie Puth

Be someone who makes everybody feel like a somebody.


You know that feeling when, you feel like something's clawing your insides begging you to do something. But you try your best to keep control? that's me right now. You see, when we left the house, we had all piled into the Alpha's Maybach Exelero. Beautiful car, but that's not the problem. The problem is sitting right next to me. 

Brittany leant forward again, trying to talk to Alec who was not so subtly ignoring her. I blew her hair out of my face. Some people may say I have a short fuse. But no, I say I have a limited bullshit tolerance. I can only put up with so much dumb shit in a day.

"Do you mind?" I gritted out. She ignored me. I guess plan B it is. I gripped her forearm, forcefully pushing her back in her seat.

"What the hell?" She screeched I rubbed my ear slightly trying to get rid of the ringing. "How dare you. You can't touch me without my permission. Do you know who I am?" She snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Are you listening to me?" 

"No, no. I'm listening. It just takes me a minute to process so much stupid all at once." I said rolling my eyes. Chance snorted while Alec full out bellowed a laugh. Brittany looked around embarrassed before opening her mouth again. 

"Yeah well, you're so ugly, when your Mum dropped you off to school, she got a fine for littering" she insulted triumphantly. Not one peep escaped anyone's lips. I clenched my fists on the mention of my Mother but I let it go.

"You gonna say anything back?"Chance asked trying to instigate a fight. I thought for a second before firing.

"Lets see...you're so ugly, when you were born, your Mum said 'What a treasure'  and your Dad said 'Yeah, lets go bury it" I smirked. Alec choked back a laugh as did Chance. Alpha's face stayed blank.

"You're so u-"

"Listen, I would love to sit here and insult you, but I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did" I smiled in fake sympathy. That was a complete lie though. Brittany was absolute gorgeous. If only her personality was the same. She seemed nice but she took a disliking to me for some reason. Shame. The car filled with laughter. Brittany huffed crossing her arms, falling back into her seat again. Not even a few seconds later we arrived at the club, not so far away from the Pack territory. This way we could easily make our way back to the Pack if need be. Chance instantly found a parking spot and parked the car and waiting for all of us to pile out before locking it. Alpha Asher led to us straight to the entrance cutting the line, surprising me. On entrance the first thing I heard was the pumping music and instantly I felt the bass in my chest. The place was completely and utterly full. 

Alpha walked through the mass of people straight to a booth at the far end of the club. It was hidden from all eyes. I sat in with Alpha on one side and Alec on the other. Chance and Brittany were sitting opposite us. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink" Chance muttered standing up. He froze turning slightly before nodding and walking away. Alpha probably mind-linked him. Thinking about it, since I've arrived I have not heard a word from the Alpha. Alec follows after him after asking for my order. After a few seconds, Brittany rolled her eyes getting out of her seat, muttering to something about dancing. That left Alpha and I.

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