E I G H T | This Is Going To Be A Long Night

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Song: Habibi (I Need Your Love)

Artist (s): Mohombi, Cost, Shaggy, Faydee.

Every time the moon shines, I become alive.


Things couldn't get more uncomfortable. Ever since the whipping a week ago, everyone has been staring at me like I'm the dirt under their shoes. I hated it and I am so close to knocking a few teeth out. Luckily Alec has always been by my side and has stopped me from doing so more than once.

"Let's get out of here" I grabbed Alec's arm dragging him out of the pack house, and straight to the river I saw when we had first arrived. It was past ten right now, but I couldn't care less. I needed to let some steam off. We stopped at the river and I picked up a few pebbles, starting to throw them into the river, as the moon sat glaring at us from above.

"I want to go home" I whispered wrapping my arms around myself.

"I do to, but you know we can't" Alec comforted walking over wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"I know" I rested my head on his shoulder, getting comfortable. We sat on the ground resting our backs against a tree, just staring into the beautiful night. We sat there for a few hours before, we decided to head back to the Pack house. I was missing my dad. A lot. We've been calling each other non-stop, but that didn't change the fact that he was over 100 miles away from me. I don't think I would have lasted more than a day without Alec by my side. He truly is a great friend.


"You ready?" Alec asked from the door way. It was Saturday night and we had decided to go out. Clubbing most likely. Fake ID's weren't a problem nowadays. Alec sported a red V-neck with black jeans and a leather jacket all ready to go. Other the other hand, I also wore black high-waisted jeans along with a thin strapped black crop top. Being me, I wasn't comfortable in showing too much skin, so I ended up wearing a black jacket, with my trainers.

"Give me a minute" I replied grabbing my clutch off the desk, shoving my phone into in. I turned back around to Alec smiling.

"Ready" I walked over taking the hand he had extended towards me. It was around eight, so everyone would probably be in the lounge or in their rooms. We could get out without being noticed. We were mere inches away from the door when my name was called.

"Alicia?" A familiar voice called. I slowly turned on my heels facing Chance. 


"Where are you going?" He asked walking towards us looking at our attires. 

"You know. Out and about" Alec answered, running a hand through his hair. Chance was about to say something but was cut off with dozens of hushed whispers. Within seconds the room emptied. Another second later Alpha made an entrance. Is that why everyone left?

Alpha stood in-front of me, looking me up and down, as if assessing what I'm wearing. He let out a low angry growl and turned to Chance with a raised eyebrow. 

"They're going out. Clubbing I presume from their clothing choice" Chance shrugged. They just stared at each other a while before Chance sighed.

"You wouldn't mind if we join, right?" Chance asked. Alpha turned back facing us with raised eyebrows, daring us to say no. I looked towards Alec who was already nodding. Alpha smirked looking at us before he heading back upstairs.

"Give us five minutes" Chance called over his shoulder. He wasn't lying. Exactly five minutes later Chance made his way downstairs with the Alpha in tow. I saw the Alpha before I saw Chance though. And Damn, did he look hot. He wore a hooded sweater under a leather jacket. He matched his outfit with grey washed jeans.

When I managed to make eye-contact again, I knew I had been caught when, I saw a smirk playing on the Alpha's lips. Flustered, I quickly looked down. He hasn't even touched me and I'm getting all hot and bothered. 

"Can we go now?" Alec asked when Chance and the Alpha got to us. 

"There's an addition. My sister decided to tag along." Chance informed looking embarrassed. He had a sister? 

"How long will she take?" I asked trying to ignore the Alpha's gaze. He just shrugged. I let out an irritated sigh and sat down on a nearby couch. 

"Finally" Chance muttered looking at the stairs ten minutes later. Guess his sister was here. I stood up adjusting my clothes and turned around to meet his sister.

"What is she doing here?" Brittany asked looking at me distastefully. I swear I heard the Alpha growl.

"She's the one who invited us" Chance replied looking annoyed. I don't really remember inviting anyone. Brittany was wearing a bikini with...wait...that's a dress. Sorry. Brittany was wearing a dress which was probably a size too small along with six inch heals. Attractive.

"Whatever. Hi As-" Alpha growled. I think the first-name basis thing failed. "Sorry. Alpha." Alpha just grunted. 

"We're going in Alpha's car" Chance announced heading out of the room, with Brittany following. Never in a million years would I have thought, that Chance and Brittany could be siblings. They looked nothing alike. Alec looked at me dramatically rolling his eyes, before following behind them. Before I could follow, a hand gripped my forearm pulling me back. If I wasn't in shock I would probably be enjoying the Alpha's head, resting between my neck and shoulder. He let out a deep growl before releasing me and walking out the front door.

This is going to be a long night.


{A/N: There's a surprise in the next chapter for anyone who's read MVMD. Please....




Lots of Love


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