E L E V E N | Mine

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{Pic of Asher. Edited.}

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.


"You sure you want this?"

"Yes Alec, I'm sure" I said for the umpteenth time.

"I'm just being careful. What if you regret it after?" He sighed running his hand through his hair.

"I am 100% sure. I want this" I confirmed.

"It's going to hurt"

"I know it is but I'm a big girl" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. If that's what you want." Alec grabbed my hand walking towards the tattoo parlour. I've always wanted a tattoo since I was a kid, and now I've plucked up the courage to finally get one. I wanted to get something meaningful and not just useless, so I decided to get a small feather tattooed on my left wrist. Feather's symbolised hope, balance and good luck. It's meaningful and pretty.

"This is it. Now's your chance to back out"

"I'm not backing out. I'm getting it" I sat down on the chair waiting for the tattoo artist to begin. The first ten minutes were painful but after that my wrist went numb and I couldn't feel a thing. Maybe it's because as a wolf I was born with high pain tolerance. But it was all worth it at the end. The tattoo was absolutely beautiful. A small feather decorated the right side, of my left wrist. Definitely worth it.


"We should do something"

"Depends what the something is" I mumbled back only interested in the movie on screen. Most of us teenagers were gathered in the screening room watching 22 jump Street. We were on the Dora part. Lord, this movie cracks me up.

"Shopping" Brittany squealed in a hush trying not to disturb the other people present. I leant back against the chair, my eyes still focused on the movie.

"What are you going to shop for?"

"You'll find out." Brittany stood up, dragging me up with her and out the door.

"Nooo. That was the best part" I whined trying to catch a glimpse of the screen but was too late as the door closed behind me.

"Stop whining and lets go." She lead the way to her car and I followed behind her.

"Have you got a license?" I asked. She's only seventeen, you're pretty lucky to get it before you turn eighteen.

"Yeah, I'm actually eighteen. I was held back a year in school which is why I study along with you." I nodded in understanding, sitting in the car. Within fifteen minutes we got to the local mall.

"We need to get some clothes and then shoes. Oh, and we need..." Brittany began listing off things which seemed unnecessary to me, but I didn't complain. She's the one paying. After a three hour shopping trip we stopped at a cafe, to grab something to eat before heading back home.

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