T W E L V E | Happy Birthday Alpha

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{Pic of Chance. Edited.}

Only those who care about you can hear you when you're quiet.


"You have to wear that dress tonight" Brittany said from the bed. Brit, Alec and I were all huddled in my room, planning our outfits for tonight. What is tonight you may ask. Well, tonight is the Alpha's twenty second birthday. It's amazing how close our birthdays are. Today is the Alpha's, in a weeks time it's Alec's and a few weeks after, it is mine.

"I'm not sure." I asked consciously. Alec grunts before walking over to me gripping onto my shoulders.

"Ali. You're hot. Show it off" Was all he said before stalking back to his seat. I didn't want to look too classy or too tacky. I wanted to impress the Alpha.

"I agree. Go for it" Brittany agreed. Sighing I picked up the outfit heading into the shower. After showering I quickly blow dried my hair before changing into my outfit. It was a navy cocktail dress, sequenced around the breasts. The entire back was made out of mesh along with parts of the front.

Walking out, I noticed only Brittany was left in my room. She was all dressed and was applying her make-up.

"You look beautiful." I complimented her once she turned around to face me. She grinned, thanking me, before dragging my arse to sit in the chair in front of the mirror.

"Lets blow the Alpha away." She exclaimed starting my make-up. I got as comfortable as I possible could because I knew that this would last a while. I'm not someone who is against make-up. I love make-up, because it makes me comfortable and if I'm comfortable I'm happy. What I don't like is, being confined in a chair for hours straight. Now that's what I call torture.

Brittany yanked at my hair one more time before moving back, squealing. "Okay, look." I look towards the mirror and can't help but appreciate the art on my face. Neither did it look like a colouring book and neither did it look like I hadn't slept for a week. It was perfect.

"Thank you" I stood up hugging Brittany. She laughed wrapping her arms back around me.

"You're welcome. Now go wear your shoes, we're already late." She shoved the heels in my direction, sitting down to wear her own. Standing up Brittany waited for me to finish before linking her arm with mine, walking us both to the party.

As we descended from the stairs and headed towards the ball room. The Alpha always had a formal ball where he invited many Alphas from nearby lands. As we approached the already open door, we were greeted by soft music and nothing else. Everyone was awkwardly stood in their places, looking towards the crowd not making a sound.

"I think the Alphas already here" Brittany whispered. I nodded my head finally understanding the reason behind the silence.

"Why are you all so silent? You are all allowed to speak" Chance's voice booms across the hall. Quiet muttering could be heard before they converted into loud shouts.

"You look beautiful" Chance says as we approach him.

"Thank you" Brittany replied

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