T W E N T Y | Marked

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{Gif of Emilia. Edited}

Song: Hide Away

Artist (s): Daya

If it doesn't challenge you, It's doesn't change you.


The sunlight- peeking through the curtains - bathed my skin as I laid on my side, forcing me to open my eyes. I tried closing them again. What had happened yesterday was something I didn't want to deal with today. Thoughts bit at my brain, forbidding me to go back to sleep. I looked around me. I felt guilty for running away from home. I just had to be selfish and put this entire pack in danger.

I knew if I sat here any longer, I would kill myself with my over-thinking, so I decided to go for a run instead. I got out of bed and headed straight for the shower. Changing into some black mesh yoga pants and mesh workout top - since I was planning on going to the gym afterwards - I ran out of the pack house.


I continued running for what seemed like longer than I was supposed to. I ran behind the tree shifting back into my human form before dressing. The run in the woods was the first real exercise I had gotten in the last few days and it felt good. I pushed into a sprint feeling the warm pull on my quads and smiled.  A distinct old dead tree came up on the path that meant that I should be able to see the Pack house around the next bend. I rounded the bend and headed straight for the entrance, but came to an abrupt halt. My breathing hitched in my throat making my already screaming lungs just about burst...

Everything was destroyed. As in, tables were upturned, cushions were torn, chairs were tipped over, books were  ripped apart and glass shards littered the floor. The smell of splintered wood dominated the room, making me want to puke. No one was in sight but I could hear a low growl coming from somewhere.

Were we attacked? What happened?

My brain had shut down. I was clammy and there was a the glisten of a cold sweat. My eyes were wide as if someone was about to deliver a fatal blow. Yet what I saw, no one else could see. Trapped in my own psychosis, a living nightmare, one tailor made by my own brain to play with my deepest fears.

My watery eyes enlarged and the hairs on the nape of my neck bristled. A gaggle of goosebumps laminated my frigid, naked skin. Slowly and deliberate, the door handle turned. I tried to scream but the inside of my mouth lacked moisture and a croak was all that was issued from my throat.

"Please, don't kill her" I managed to whisper as the door fully opened. Within seconds, arms were wrapped around me. I breathed in and out but air wouldn't enter my lungs. Starved for air, my heart raced at a tremendous speed, and my lungs shallowly rose and fell in time. I stood there for what felt like an eternity but was actually only five minutes. Satisfaction of security was nothing but a distant memory , and an invisible force crushed me from every possible direction. Each second submerged in fear made a permanent mark on my heart, and a vivid imagination made me wander whether it was just my mind playing tricks or reality.

"Where were you" Jumping out of my shock, I pushed the body back only to see Asher growling down at me. Looking down, I tried to gain back control over my breathing. Feeling a sudden wave of dizziness I grabbed onto the first available thing. I grabbed onto the side table, unaware of the glass shattered upon it. An arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me up and above the ground.

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