Chapter 8

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Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for!  :)  Sorry it's late, but I'll upload a few more chapters tonight, okay?  Okay...  Please don't kill me! D:


“What is wrong with me?” I asked myself for possibly the five-hundredth time that day.  After the steamy incident with Gerard, I’d thrown myself on my bed and questioned my sanity for two hours straight.  The man was nearly ten years older than me.  He was my teacher for chrissakes’.  I should’ve known better.  Correction:  I did know better.  The spur of the moment just overpowered me, and now I was going to regret it for years to come.

I groaned and wiped my face.  How could I have been so careless?  All my life, I’d been meticulous about making the right decisions, setting myself up for success, and then I had to go and fuck that all up by making out with my English teacher.  Granted, he was incredibly hot, but that was no excuse for my actions. 

I need to clear my head, I thought finally, and sat up.  Mr. Donnals had to be gone by now.  I could go shower without fear of confrontation. 

The bathroom was just down the hall, so I grabbed my Happy Bunny pajamas and headed to the shower.  I stared at myself in the mirror as I waited for the water to warm up, hating myself the whole time. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid, I thought, wishing for something to bang my head on.  Dumb tile walls, shattering if I hit them too hard…

The warm water helped to clear my head.  I felt a thousand times better once I’d cleaned up and washed the grime of the day out of my hair and off of my skin. 

Now in my pjs, I returned to my room and wrote on my still-untitled story.  If I was going to screw up my social life, I might as well try not to do the same with my schoolwork. 

An hour later, I’d accomplished a lot, including pushing the incident with Mr. Donnals completely out of my thoughts.  The past was the past.  I couldn’t change what happened, but I could ignore it. 

“Stella! Come downstairs for dinner!” called my mother from the kitchen.  I saved my progress and shut down my laptop before following the smell of spaghetti to the dining room.  My stomach growled ferociously. 

We never did get a snack, I thought, and mentally slapped myself for it. 

“Mom, did you see that freak stor—“

I stopped mid-sentence when my eyes fell on the other figure at the table.  Mr. Donnals looked up from his plate of pasta, his dark eyes filled with an emotion I couldn’t place. 

“What are you still doing here?” I asked, trying not to sound rude but failing.

“Stella, be polite to our guest,” Mom scolded me.  Then she turned to Gerard.  “You didn’t tell her?”

“She was upset after the storm and I didn’t want to disturb her,” he lied smoothly.  Okay, I guess it wasn’t exactly a lie; just not the full truth.  There would be a lot of that in my life.

“Oh.”  My mother smiled at me as I sat down in my usual place, scooting my chair a little farther away from my English teacher than really necessary.  “Well, sweetie, Gerard’s house was severely damaged by the winds and debris, so he’s staying with us until it gets repaired.”

Suddenly, the spaghetti didn’t look so appetizing. 

I looked from my mother to Mr. Donnals to see if she spoke the truth.  To my dismay, an apology sparkled in his dark eyes.

My stupidly young, attractive teacher who I’d recently done illegal activities with in my basement was moving in with me. 

So much for ignoring the past.

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