Chapter 18

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Most high-schoolers think of working on homework on a Saturday afternoon as the most boring possible way to spend their weekend.  But me?  I’m grateful when I have homework left to work on.  I usually had nothing to do after swim practice.  That particular Saturday, I was tapping away at my keyboard, working on my story for Creative Writing.  I was about halfway through, and I really wanted to at least finish the chapter that weekend, just as a personal goal. 

Next to my laptop, my cell phone vibrated, nearly scaring me out of the chair.  Once I was sure my heart was still beating, I checked the text that almost made me pee myself.  It was from Tori, inviting Evan and I to a movie.  I knew that Evan was working an extra shift, but I told her I’d gladly go.  Immediately, I got a reply, saying that she’d pick me up in ten minutes.  I sighed, saved the document, and shut down my laptop.  Tori always had been a last-minute sort of girl.

I hurried changed into something a little more presentable and grabbed a sweater.  The local movie theater was freezing, especially in the already-chilly fall weather. 

About fifteen minutes later (Tori is always late), a silver SUV pulled up in front of the house.  Tori ran up to the porch as I locked the door behind me.

“Hey,” I said.  “What’s up?”

“Not much,” she replied hurriedly.  “But listen, there’s something I didn’t mention. I hope you don’t mind.”

“What is it?” I asked, pocketing my keys and walking down the sidewalk with her.

“My brother brought a date,” she said.

My stomach gave an uncomfortable lurch.  The question “Who?” was on my lips, but I didn’t have to ask.  Sitting in the passenger seat, laughing it up, was none other Bethany Achers.

Honestly, I shouldn’t have been surprised.  Jace didn’t seem the type to stay single long, and Bethany obsesses over men, especially those as good-looking as my oldest friend.  Bethany was pretty enough, and her shallow persona was attractive to most guys.  So really, this shouldn’t have come as a shock.

But at the same time, I felt like I’d just been sucker-punched in the stomach.

“Great,” I said quietly.

“You okay, Stell?” asked Tori.  “You don’t look so good.”

“I’m fine,” I lied, forcing myself to move toward the SUV instead of away from it.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you ahead of time. Jace sort of sprung it on me at the last minute, and I didn’t want to be a third wheel.”

“It’s okay, Tori. I don’t mind.”

A look of relief washed over her face, and I felt a little guilty for wanting to ditch her.  “You really don’t?” she asked.

I put on a happy face.  “Not at all.”

Damn, was my poker face improving.

“Oh, hey, Stella!” Beth greeted me as I climbed into the seat behind her.

“Hi,” I murmured.

“You two know each other?” asked Jace, looking slightly alarmed.  He probably didn’t want her paying more attention to me than to him.  If he knew Bethany at all, he’d know I was no competition for any guy she liked.

“Yeah, we’re tight,” Bethany said, crossing to fingers.  “Like sisters, right Stella?”

“Yeah,” I replied hollowly, trying to ignore the confusing jumble of emotions writhing in my stomach.  “Like sisters.”

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