Chapter 14

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“Stella, what’s going on between you and Mr. Donnals?”

I stared wide-eyed at my best friend in the whole world, completely shocked.  How had he found out?  How could he have found out?  I’d done everything to keep my relationship with my teacher a secret.  Everything.  So how did Evan find out?

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I stammered lamely, searching for a way to escape this conversation. 

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Stell. I saw you go over to his house last night. What was that about?”

What?  He’d only seen me go over to Gerard’s house?  Oh happy day!  I could cover that up no problem!

“Oh, that? That was nothing. I was out of milk, so I went over to make myself some cereal.”

Evan frowned.  “Why didn’t you come over to my house?”

“I thought you were working.”

“My schedule got changed, remember? I told you yesterday.”

I actually did remember.  I just really wanted an excuse to go over to my boyfriend’s house. 

“Oh yeah. I totally forgot. Sorry, Nave.”  I gave him a sheepish smile.  My friend didn’t look totally convinced, but he didn’t question me anymore.  Phew.  Way too close.   

“Anyway, why aren’t you ready for swim practice? It starts in fifteen minutes.”

Oh hell.  I knew I’d forgotten something. 

“I’ll be right back!” I called, dashing upstairs to change.

“Don’t tell me you forgot that, too!” cried Evan after me.

My witty reply was, “Shut up!”

A minute later, maybe a bit more, I came rushing downstairs in my hideous swimsuit and a towel, throwing my duffel bag with my clothes over my shoulder.  After poking fun at me for being so forgetful, Nave drove us to practice.  We barely made it on time.

“Way to push it, you two!” called Mr. Donnals from the side of the pool as we emerged from the locker rooms simultaneously.  I blushed and hurried over to join Bethany and the rest of the team.  Evan took his time walking, glaring levelly at Gerard the whole time.  My stomach did back-flips.  Oh no.  This couldn’t be good. 

Nave finally met the rest of the group and Gerard began to call role.  Once he’d established that everyone was present, he gave us our assignments and sent us off to do our laps.  Though the work was exhausting, it definitely kept me from over-analyzing the whole Evan-being-suspicious thing.  That’s the only thing I like about exercise: it gives me a break from actual thought.  I can just focus and lose myself in the work and it’s like the world disappears. 

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