Chapter 17

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Sorry this has taken soooooo long.  I've had writer's block for the longest time... but it's done!  Yayyyyyyyy!  :D


Don’t get me wrong; Gerard can be very charming.  Sometimes, he’s just a little… how should I say this… blunt.  He fails to exercise tact in appropriate situations.  Like if someone fell and he was the only one around to see it, he’d laugh hysterically, and then after a while, he’d go over to make sure they were okay.  So he’s sweet, really.  Just not always when he needs to be. 

This was one of those times.

“Oh my god!” he exclaimed, bursting into laughter as soon as he saw me set foot on his doorstep.  “Stella, what-what’s that on your face?”

See what I mean?  He lacks in delicacy.

Blushing as if I’d walked into school naked, I pushed my new full-time glasses up the bridge of my nose.  “It’s not funny.”

“It’s freaking hilarious!” he bellowed between giggling fits.  “Oh, man, did you ask the salesman for the ugliest frames or something?”

“Shut up!”  Truth be told, they were the best choice that was covered by my mom’s insurance.  My parents were rich, but they were also extremely cheap. 

“Oh, man, Stella,” he breathed, wiping the tears from his eyes.  “Those are some bad glasses.”

“You don’t have to keep reminding me,” I muttered, crossing my arms.  “I came here for moral support.”

“You came to the wrong place.”  Gerard flashed me a cheeky grin.

“Clearly,” I said, my tone flat.  “You know, I’m almost tempted to call off the date this afternoon…”

His grin turned into a pout.  “No! You wouldn’t deny this face, would you?”  He gave me his best puppy dog eyes.  I glared at him. 

“Are my glasses ugly?”


I glared harder.

“I mean, no. Haha. Just kidding. You know me, Stella, always the kidder. They’re beautiful. Truly, the world has never seen such beauty as that of your wonderful glasses.”

I rolled my eyes.  “A simple, ‘They’re not that bad’ would’ve sufficed.”

“Stella, I’m an English teacher. ‘They’re not that bad’ is far too unintelligent-sounding for me.”

A guffaw escaped my lips.  “Whatever. So you’ll pick me up at Starbucks again?”

Gerard nodded.  “Three o’clock.”

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