Chapter 10

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“Stella, it is not that bad.”

I gaped at the horrifying sight in the mirror.  A girl, skinny as a rail with nearly non-existent boobs squeezed into a totally unflattering speedo-style one-piece stood there.  Her long black hair had been shoved under a swim cap, with a few scraggly strands of hair sticking out.

Next to her stood Bethany, fully clothed over her own one-piece.  She pulled it off.  Her bust was too big for even the tight cloth to flatten.

“Are you kidding me?” I asked, mortified. “There is no way in hell you are getting me to go out in public like this. I’m not joining the swim team.”

“Too late to back out now, Stell. You already signed up,” Bethany said, patting my shoulder.

“No I didn’t. This is just a trial day. I don’t even have to go. And I’m not, by the way,” I replied, heading for my closet so I could change back into some non-butt-ugly clothes.

“Yes, you are. You decided to sign up immediately, and this is your first day of practice.”  I saw Bethany grinning devilishly in the mirror and froze.

“Beth, what did you do?” I asked darkly.  If she forged my signature and my mother’s, I would murder her.  No joke.  I would break into her house and slit her throat while she slept as soon as I got the opportunity.

Don’t call me morbid.  I just like to plan ahead.

I didn’t do anything,” she lied in that sickeningly innocent voice of hers. “You and your mom already signed off on the permission sheet.”

I whipped around, disbelief in my words. “Bethany, forgery is illegal! Not to mention rude. You could’ve waited,” I said indignantly, crossing my arms at her.

“Don’t be a whiner, Stella. This way we can spend some more quality time together, just as girlfriends.”

“Yeah, surrounded by other girls and, more importantly, guys from our school! I don’t even like swimming that much.”

Beth rolled her eyes, pulling her rubber cap on over her hair.  “Baby,” she chided me. “You’re just insecure.”

“Damn straight I am!”

“Well, it’s time to get over that. You’re going to swim practice, whether you like it or not.”

And I did. 

I moped and grumbled all the way to the school’s indoor pool.  I hated being forced into situations, especially when they were long-time commitments like this one.  If it had been a one-time class or something, I wouldn’t have been so determined not to have a good time, but no, Bethany had to sign me up for the whole freaking season.  I told myself, no matter what, I would not enjoy this.  Ever.  Just because Beth had made me.

So you can imagine how pissed I was when I found out who was coaching us.

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