Chapter 4

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Sorry this took so long to be up; I've been going through some tough times.  -_-'' I'll try to upload the rest of the chapters today, okay?  And then I'll work on the next one.  

Thanks to anyone who's actually reading this.  I love you.  :)

And Jennifer Lawrence is playing Bethany, so she is pictured on this chapter. ^ ^  Anywho, enjoy!


“I cannot believe you ate dinner with our teacher,” said Evan as we drove to school the next morning.

“My mom invited him! I couldn’t get out of it,” I replied defensively.

“He’s our teacher!” he emphasized.

“Way to uphold your reputation, Captain Obvious.”

“It’s your reputation you should be worried about, Lieutenant Sarcasm,” my best friend pointed out, turning onto our school’s street.  “If anyone finds out you ate with Mr. Donnals---“

“No one needs to know,” I said sternly. “And stop making it sound like a date. My mom asked him to eat with us since he’s our neighbor. It was a complete coincidence that he also happened to be my English teacher.”

“That’s not how Bethany will see it,” Evan reminded me.  I shot him a glare so dangerous it could down an elephant at thirty paces.

“If you tell her, I will torture and mutilate you in the most brutal ways I can think of,” I threatened him. “And I’ll tell Beth about the ketchup incident.”

“My lips are sealed,” he reassured me, miming zipping his lips shut.  We pulled into Peoria Public High School parking lot and then into Evan’s spot.

“They better be,” I said cheerfully.  “Thanks for the lift.”

“Anytime, Stell, you know that,” Nave replied.  And then we parted, each going our separate ways.

Bethany grilled be about my “double dose” of Mr. Donnals (Triple dose, I corrected her inwardly) all throughout my morning classes.  I kept telling her that nothing happened, but she kept prying until I gave her every irrelevant detail.  My friend acted like he was a god or something.  It annoyed the living hell out of me.  If she hadn’t been the only girl I knew that got along with me, I would’ve slapped her in the face and cursed until she got the message.

Nothing interesting took place until English class (or course).  The first thing I saw when I walked through the door was Mr. Donnals… wearing a polka-dotted tie.

I could’ve curled up and died.

The teacher grinned at me, his appealing features not concealing the mischief in his dark eyes.  “Hello, Stella. How are you?”

“Fine,” I squeaked, partially in shock.  He smoothed his shirt, specifically his tie.

“Admiring my tie?” Gerard asked.

“ ‘Admiring’ isn’t the word I’d use,” I replied.

“It isn’t? Oh well. I thought of you when I picked it out.” My cheeks rosy yet again, I finally exploded, releasing all the pent up stress from the morning into one exasperated question.

“Isn’t this sexual harassment?”

Mr. Donnals burst out laughing at my reaction, somehow finding it hysterical.  “You’re a funny one,” he said when he calmed down. “That’s a good trait.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

He held up a finger. “I was getting to it,” the teacher said, looking me dead in the eyes.  I recoiled a bit; no one ever met my gaze, not even Bethany.  Only Evan did that, and that’s because we’ve known each other since we were in diapers.  I barely knew this man, and he stared straight through me!

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