Chapter 12

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The next day, I stayed home sick.

I should probably clarify why this means something.  You see, I’ve never missed a day of school.  Not.  One.  So playing hooky?  Completely unlike me.  That’s probably why my mother (the nurse, who sees right through fake sickness on a regular basis) let me stay home without question.  I don’t doubt she knew I was faking it, but she could tell that whatever had happened the night before, it was bad.  Mom took pity and let me skip, calling me in as soon as I told her I felt sickly.

I settled into bed with a good book and began the long process of distracting myself from my feelings for my English teacher. 

It took two books to help me not think of him.  After finishing the second, I got on my laptop to work on my English assignment, somehow managing to block out any thought of him in the process.  At about seven or so, I decided I was satisfied with my work, so I saved the document and headed downstairs to watch some boob tube.  I had a lot of recorded shows to get rid of on the DVR.

I selected the Criminal Minds from the week before and settled in.  It was the one with the mentally challenged guy who burned his victims’ senses away with battery acid.  By the end of the episode, after watching him torture his niece (who just had to be about my age), I was sufficiently creeped out.  To dispel some of the residual fear, I flipped on Family Guy, but the damage was done.  I was scared by every shadow. 


I swear my heart skipped a beat at the noise.  Someone was in my house.  Oh God.

“M-Mom? Is that you?” I called, my voice high and shaking.  This fear was irrational and I knew it.  I watch some show about serial killers and instantly every sound is warped into a threat.  I knew that it was probably just one of my parents coming home, or maybe Evan coming over to deliver my homework, but still, my heart pounded out of my chest. 

It pounded harder when there was no answer. 

“Mom? Dad?” I asked, praying for a response.  I felt myself begin to shake despite the blanket around me.   My fingers searched instinctively for a weapon, and I felt my hand close around the remote. 

Still no reply.  There were footsteps, though.  Coming toward the living room.  My grip on the clicker tightened.

“Hello? Who’s there?”

And then, the last man I wanted to see poked his head around the corner, a big, stupid grin dominating his face. 

“Just me,” Mr. Donnals said, beaming. 

I threw the remote at him as hard as I could. 

He cried out in surprise, but managed to step behind the wall again before it went sailing past him into the kitchen.  “You asshole!” I screeched.  “You scared the hell out of me! Get out of here!”

“Stella, I can explain,” he said, apologetically, looking back around the corner to find me picking up a heavy book from the coffee table.  “Wait!” he shrieked as I took aim.  He held up a book of his own for protection.  “I come bearing gifts!”

I stopped short, setting the dictionary back on the table, and snatched the book out of his hands, inspecting it.  It was an old copy of Romeo and Juliet.  A really old copy, by the looks of it, and in good condition.   Hm.  Interesting.

“I wanted to apologize,” Gerard said, “and I figured there was no better way than to give you something you could appreciate. This is my copy from when I was a kid. I thought the theme was fitting.”

“Forbidden love,” I mumbled thoughtfully.  The English teacher nodded. 

“I know what I said was stupid. I wasn’t thinking seriously. What I really wanted to say was that… I’d risk anything to be with you. My job. My reputation. My life.”  The man looked a little uncomfortable.  “I wanted to say all that. But I thought you’d get scared. I mean, most women don’t like it when guys are too serious about them, especially when they haven’t been together that long. I forgot that you aren’t like most women.”

I bit my lip, but I couldn’t keep myself from smiling.  He did care.  I couldn’t have been happier. 

“Apology accepted?” he asked hopefully.   The anticipation sparkled in his eyes.  I couldn’t say no to that face. 

I nodded.  “But I’m not calling you Romeo.” 

Gerard grinned, kissing my cheek.  “Whatever you say, Juliet.”

“Don’t call me that! I’m not some whiny fourteen-year-old!”

“Right. You’re a whiny seventeen-year-old.”

“You’re pushing your luck, mister.”

He took my chin in his hand.  “I’ll take my chances,” he murmured, and kissed me again, this time on the lips.  I kissed back gently, and then we parted. 

“You should go,” I said. “My mom will be home soon.”

He looked ready to protest, but then we heard a car door slam shut outside.  Both our eyes widened.  Oh.  Hell. 

I ushered him into downstairs guest room, since its window was closest to his house, and opened it for him. 

“Go,” I urged him. “Hurry, or she’ll hear you.”  He ignored my warning and pulled me into one last kiss.  Then he smiled and slipped out, running quietly across the grassy lawn to his house. 

“Stella? How are you doing, honey?” called my mother from the front room.

I sighed.  Now I knew how Juliet felt. 

Forbidden loves are exhausting.


I didn't really like this chapter, but hey, it's something.  Hope you guys like it. ^ ^

Soon, the story will be getting much more interesting... >:D  New characters and new romances! 

<3 Ari

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