Chapter 11

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Seven-thirty.  I slung my purse over my shoulder, change of clothes inside, and walked out into the cool evening air.  Shivering as I locked the front door, I zipped up my Harry Potter-themed hoodie and began the trek to Starbucks.  The sky looked like it could downpour at any second, so I pulled my small umbrella out of my purse, just in case.  I sighed.  It figures that it would rain on my parade.  After all, this was my first date.

Yes, I reveal my secret.  I’d never had a boyfriend before Mr. Donnals.  I desperately hoped he wouldn’t find out.  If he was as much like Evan as I thought he was, he would never let me live it down.

Roughly ten minutes later, I made it to the Starbucks down the street.  Normally, it would’ve taken me fifteen, but I ran for it once it started raining.  Turns out my stupid, useless umbrella was broken. 

Only I would have luck that bad. 

I ordered a green tea frappucino and took a seat in the corner with my book, trying not to look as nervous as I really was.  A few minutes later, I realized how close it was to eight, so I rushed to the bathroom to change, ignoring the surprised and confused stares when I returned to my spot.

Reading took my mind off of the anxiety, so I threw myself into my current novel, the last of the Harry Potter series.  Not that I hadn’t read it before.  This was at least my fifth time re-reading it.

Soon, I’d successfully blocked out everything around me, engaged completely in the story.  From there, I lost track of time until someone covered the page.

I looked up, prepared to chew the person out, only to find my date standing over me.  Mr. Donnals smiled, his dark eyes sparkling.  I offered a weak smile in return.  God he looked handsome.

“Hey, bookworm,” he greeted me.

I stood, stuffing the book back into my purse.  “Hi,” I said, flustered.  My teacher gave me the once-over, his face lighting up at what he saw.  I blushed.

“You look amazing, Stella.”

I looked down at myself.  A showy emerald summer dress fell to my knees, and a cute white cardigan covered my pale shoulders.  I felt a little ridiculous, but at least Gerard liked it.

Now it was my turn to ogle him.  He wore a nice brown suit, not a tux, but still decent.  His green tie matched my dress to a T.

“Nice choice in tie,” I commented.  Mr. Donnals beamed.

“Yeah, funny how we didn’t even plan that, huh?”


There was a moment of awkward silence before Gerard said we should go.  He led me to his car, the Porsche.  When he turned on the engines, Frank Sinatra’s silky baritone came through the speakers, singing “Luck Be A Lady.”  I grinned.  He’d so planned that.

“So where are we going?” I asked.  “Or can I still not know?”

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