James' parents

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  James stood next to me and held my hand, "mother, father, this is my wife, Lily-May," he introduced me and his mum smiled but his dad just grunted.

  His mum came over to me and shook my free hand, "Lovely to finally meet you, I'm Victoria and this is my husband Damian," she pointed to James' dad and he nodded his head in a greeting.

  I smiled nervously, "It's great to meet you both," I said to them.

  James turned to me, "Lily, can you get the bottle of blood from the cellar?" He asked me. Blood. I forgot about the blood. A sudden wave of unease came across me and I turned back to James who gave me a pleading look. I couldn't embarrass him in front of his parents.

  I smiled weakly, "yeah, of course," I didn't know where the cellar actually was so I wandered around the house until I found a brown door I hadn't been in before. I opened it and it led to stairs leading towards a dark room, the cellar. I flicked the light switch on the wall and the cellar was flooded with light. I walked down the steps and towards a shelf of bottles of a red liquid. The cellar was like a wine cellar except it was blood instead of wine. I chuckled to myself at this. I picked up a bottle and read the label, 'sang de paris,  Finest human blood in Paris' human blood. I gasped and dropped the bottle and it made a loud smash. I let out a small cry and stumbled backwards away from the spilt blood. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I screamed again.

  "What are you doing?" James hissed at me.

  I spun around to face him, "that's human blood! You lied to me! You told me that you don't drink human blood! French human blood," I added quietly.

  He looked up at the cellar door, probably to check if his parents were listening, "I didn't want you to freak out," he told me.

  I moved back away from him, "so you sent me down here to find out for myself?" I hissed at him, I was fully aware of his parents that were probably trying to listen in.

  He dragged a hand down his face, "I didn't think you would go to the human blood!" He shouted to me, he didn't seem to worry about his parents now.

   I kept walking backwards until I fell onto the stairs, "s-stay away from me," I told him as I began to scramble up the stairs. In a flash James was in front of me and he shut the door.

   He pushed me back down the stairs and I gasped and shut my eyes awaiting the painful impact. When I landed it surprisingly didn't hurt at all.

I stood up, "what the fuck, James!" I shouted. He appeared next to me and clamped his hand over my mouth. I tried to peel his hand off but even if I too was a vampire he was still stronger than me. After a while I gave up and instead licked his hand.

   He ripped his hand off my mouth, "ew! You freak!" He shouted. I smirked, licking their hand worked every time.

   "What's going on?" Damian's voice came from the top of the cellar stairs.

  James snapped his head round to his dad, "I- we- Lily dropped the wine, which is the smash we heard, and she felt bad so I was just trying to comfort her," he lied.

  His dad stared at us for a moment before rolling his eyes, "You had to marry a klutz, didn't you?" He said.

  I threw my hands onto my hips, "I am not a klutz! You are a freak!" I shouted at him.

  James jumped in front of me as Damian lunged at me. I let out a small gasp and stumbled backwards.

  Damian pushed James aside, "who does she think she is? She isn't part of this family, she is just a mere human!" He shouted as he lunged at me again.

   "I am a vampire actually!" I screamed at him while twisting out the way of his attacks. I turned to see where James was. Bad idea. Damian had me pinned against the wall.

He bared his fangs, "you are not a vampire. You are a nise," he told me.

I struggled against him, "what does that mean!" I shouted whilst still struggling.

Victoria had removed me from Damian's grasp, "it's Japanese for fake. It basically means you're a turned vampire," she informed me. I nodded my understanding and turned back to Damian, he was glaring at me.

James appeared by my side, "Father, you understand why I'm asking for this money, right?" He asked. I was shocked at his sudden change of subject.

Damian turned his glare to James, "you're not having my money anymore. Ask your precious wife to help you, I'm sure you can both come up with something," he said. With that he had Victoria by the wrist and was dragging her out of the house.

Victoria gave me an apologetic smile, "Goodbye, Lily!" She shouted before being led out of the cellar.

"Bye," I mumbled back to her. James began walking back up the stairs and I followed him.

He turned to me, "clean that up," he said before turning and leaving me alone once again. I turned around to see a bucket and mop in the corner of the cellar. I ran over to it faster than I had ever run before. At first I was shocked but then I smirked, impressed with my new speed. I picked up the bucket and mop and carried it over to the spilled blood. I tried to move the glass over to the side and ended up slicing my fingers. A lot. Once I had done that I mopped up the blood which took a while because most of it had dried. After I had finished I put the mop and bucket back and scooped the glass into my bare hands. I hissed in pain as it sliced even more of my hands. I ran up the stairs and shut the cellar door with my foot before running to the kitchen and dumping the glass into the bin. I turned around to see James sat at the table with two glasses. Two glasses of blood.

He smiled, "take a seat," he told me.

I smiled back, "my hands are bleeding," I told him before holding out my blood covered hands.

She jumped out of his chair, "Jesus Lily, what did you do? Pick it up with your hands?" He shouted, he sounded more worried than angry though.

"Yeah, I had nothing to pick it up with," I told him feeling embarrassed.

"You should've came and asked me for a broom stupid! Let me help you clean it."

I pulled my hands back, "won't it make you hungry?" I asked him. I didn't want him drinking my blood.

He laughed, "thirsty, and you're a vampire, that would be like cannibalism," he told me.

"No I'm not, I'm a nise," I mumbled.

"Don't listen to my dad, like I said he's just old fashioned," James told me and I allowed him to wash the blood off my hands in the sink. I watched as it mixed with the water and swirled down the drain. James went into the cupboards and pulled out bandages. He wrapped my hands in them and kissed each one. I laughed and pulled my hands back.

He smiled, "now, take a seat," he told me pulling out a chair for me and sitting in one opposite to me. I sat down and started intently at the glass full of blood. He was going to make me drink it. It would be horrible, whenever a tooth fell out and there was blood in your mouth I always thought it tasted like money.

James laughed, "It doesn't taste like money. When you're a vampire your taste buds change," he told me. I forgot we could read minds. He pushed the glass towards me.

I smiled and pushed it back to him, "I'm not thirsty," I told him. I'm also not in the mood to drink another person blood.

He pushed it towards me again, "I don't care if your in the mood or not, drink it now," he told me, his look hardening.

I made a puppy dog face, "please don't make me drink it," I pleaded with him. He pushed it closer to me and kept a straight face. I picked it up and slowly brought it to my lips. I shut my eyes and drank some of the thick, red liquid. I was surprised when the bitter taste I was expecting was in fact sweet. It tasted a bit like strawberries. I smiled to myself.

James planted a kiss on my lips, "when you're comfortable with it we could even go hunting together," he told me.

I laughed, "not for a while yet," I told him, "but we will," I promised him before kissing him. He didn't hesitate to deepen it.

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