The search

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I walked to the kitchen and handed the order to chef. He thanked me and I nodded and walked back to the main room. I had ten minutes until my shift was over and then I could find my husband. As time ticked by I took a group of girls order and gave a elderly couple their meal. I checked my watch.


I jogged to the employees room and got changed into my black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans and black huaraches. I threw my coat on and grabbed my bag before saying by to Linda, she was the one who helped me on my first day here. I exited and got in a cab back to my house. I payed him and wasn't surprised to see that James' car wasn't on the driveway. I got in the house and rang Damian straight away.

He answered, "he's not home?" He asked.

"No," my response wasn't a shock to the both of us.

I heard Damian sigh, "okay. I'll be five minutes," he said and I heard the phone click which meant he had hung up. I didn't know how long we would be out so I put James' phone on charge and went to the toilet. I washed my hands and went back to the living room. The door knocked three times and I answered it.

"Hi," I said quietly. Maybe it was Damian's height that made me nervous. Or the way he had me by my throat against a wall. Maybe it was both.

"Hello," Damian said as he pushed passed me into my house. I opened my mouth to say something but shut it when I realised it was pointless.

"Aren't we going now?" I asked him. I felt so lonely here without James and I wanted him back badly.

He shrugged, "I'm getting something to eat first," he told me making his way to the kitchen. I followed him and stood awkwardly in the doorway. He went through the cupboards and pulled out a breakfast bar. Then he sat down and began eating really slowly.

"Eat in the car! I need to find my husband right now," I told him impatiently. He smirked and stood up. He walked out the house and I followed him, embarrassed by my sudden outburst. We got in the car and sat in an awkward silence for a while.

Damian let out a long breath, "how are we going to do this?" He asked me.

I shrugged, "I guess we just drive around and look for his car or something," I told him. He nodded his approval and began driving towards the dingy part of town. We stared out of the Windows looking for any sign of James. After half an hour we pulled up outside my house again.

Damian turned to me, "there was no sign of him. Maybe he just ran away," he suggested.

I growled at him, "We are driving around again. More slowly this time. I am finding him," I told him boldly and I was surprised when he began driving slowly again. I smiled to myself, maybe I was intimidating.

Damian laughed, "you're not intimidating," he told me, "you should be scared of me. I could snap your neck at any minute," he said shrugging.

I gasped, "what? But you won't right?" I asked desperately. This guy was dangerous.

He smirked, "it depends, if you break my boys heart then I will break your neck," he told me. I nodded quickly and looked back out the window. That's when I spotted it.

I screamed, "James' car!" I shouted excitedly.

Damian slammed on the breaks, "where?" He asked sounding just as excited as me. He really didn't act his age.

I pointed to a block of flats, "outside those flats," I told him. He nodded and we parked next to his car and stood in front of the door of the flat.

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