The reuinon

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Ten years later

I woke up to Holly jumping on my bed, "Mum! It's my birthday!" She shouted excitedly.

I laughed and sat up, "I know! How old are you know, twenty-two?" I joked.

Holly laughed, "no! I'm ten today!"

"Let's go and open your presents," I said with a smirk. She squealed with excitement and followed me downstairs to the living room. I had placed three presents beside a birthday card and a chocolate cake.

My daughter ran over to the card, "I open the card first because it's polite, that's what you said, isn't it?" She asked trying to remember my words from her last birthday.

I chuckled, "that's right," I smiled as she ripped the envelope open and read the card aloud.

"Dear Holly, happy tenth birthday princess! I love you so so so much, love from mummy," she read the card and gave me a huge hug. She crawled back to the pile an frowned.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what's wrong?"

She sat upright, "I don't have a card from dad this year," she said quietly. Every year James sends Holly a birthday card with some money inside of it but he hadn't this year and I knew why.

I shrugged, "maybe the post man is running late," I suggested and held back a smile.

She nodded and opened her first present, "it's a phone!" She cried dramatically. I had bought Holly an IPhone 5s for her birthday this year. Ever year she asked for one and I always promised her I would when she turned ten. She opened her other two presents to reveal a box full of all of Roald Dahl's books. Holly loved reading and was always asking for new books. The other present was a new dress and necklace.

She smiled at me, "thanks mum!" She hugged me again and I hugged her back. When she pulled away I kissed her forehead.

I stood up, "you still have one more surprise to come," I told her and winked playfully.

Her eyes widened, "what is it?" She asked excitedly.

As if on cue the door knocked and I smiled, "not what, who," I corrected as I opened the door to James. He brought me into a bone crushing hugs.

I laughed, "I missed you," I told him quietly.

He kissed my head and pulled back, "I missed you more," he replied.

Holly appeared next to us, "daddy?" She asked quietly.

James lifted her up and spun around, "Holly! Look how big you are," he shouted over her excited screaming.

Holly wrapped her arms around his neck, "this is the best birthday ever," she told us.

James smirked, "it's only going to get better from here," he put her down and entered the house.

Holly clung to him, "how is it going to get better than this?"

James smiled at me, "we're going to visit granny, grandad and auntie Carrie," this was news to Holly and me.

I raised my eyebrows, "we are?"

"We are," James said with his signature smirk.

An hour later we were on our way to hell. Holly was amazed by everything we passed and I couldn't stop staring at James' smug smile.

He turned to me, "stop staring at me," he said still smiling.

I rolled my eyes, "just keep your eyes on the road," I turned to try to hide my blush. Even though we were both older now he still knew how to make me blush.

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