The 'a' word

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       I put on my slippers and waddled down the stairs still half asleep. The smell of bacon met my nose.

   My mum smiled and handed me a plate, "good morning, sweetie!"

   I took the plate and sat at the table, "morning," I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

   She handed me the ketchup, "eat up, we have a lot to do today," she told me with a over enthusiastic smile.

   I put the ketchup on my plate, "like what?" I asked before putting half a slice of bacon in my mouth.

     My mum bit her lip, "well... We can go and visit your grandma and then I wanted to take you to the abortion centre," she mumble the last part.

   I stopped chewing and subconsciously put my hand to my baby bump, "no. I'm keeping my baby," I said sternly. I was against abortions, it's like killing a baby. Some people say otherwise but we are all entitled to our own opinions.

   She sighed, "Lily please, he probably got you pregnant against your will!" 

   I gasped, "he did not rape me mother," I gritted out.

    "You know I don't like that word," she frowned.

   I continued eating my breakfast, "well, I don't like the 'a' word," I replied.

    She scoffed, "what? Abortion? You don't like the word abortion," she was full on laughing now.

   I rolled my eyes, "and you wonder why I hate you," I mumbled.

   My mum stopped laughing, "Lily, you don't mean that. I'm your-"

   "Mum, I'm going to be sick," I cut her off and ran to the bathroom to vomit in the toilet.

   My mum was rubbing my back, "it's just going to get worse from here," she told me and I could hear the smirk in her voice.

    "Go away," I managed to get out before being sick again. My mum left and I heard her go upstairs. I finished throwing up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible. I had a birds nest on top of my head and I had huge bags under my eyes. I turned on the shower, stripped off and jumped in. I grabbed the strawberry shampoo from the side and massaged it into my head. When I got out I brushed my hair and decided to let it air dry. I wrapped the towel around me and was about to walk up the stairs to my bedroom when the front door knocked.

    I looked down at myself, "mum! The door!" I shouted up to her.

   "You get it!" Came her reply.

  I scowled, "I'm wearing only a towel!"

     She laughed, "that's your problem." I frowned and opened the front door.

   Carl smiled, "I thought I got the wrong house," he told me and brought me into a hug.

    I squirmed underneath him, "Carl! I'm practically naked," I shouted at him.

  He laughed and let go of me, "sorry. Are you alright?" He asked, his smile began to disappear.

    I sighed, "not really. I just want to go back home," I admitted to him.

    He frowned, "you are at home," he looked into my house, "it's pretty nice as well."

   I leaned on the door, "this isn't my home. My home is where James is."

   He laughed, "well, your home surely isn't the prison. If you aren't happy here you should leave, start a new life," he said seriously.

   I frowned, "where would I go?"

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