Life or death situation

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Authors note

Hi! Thanks so much for the reads I really didn't expect to get any! I also wanted to say thanks to @jazzman69 for giving me so many votes! Thank you guys so much and voting only takes up two seconds of your life so please do it! Okay I'm gonna stop so you can read now. Bye.


   I shook Bennett's shoulders, "get up," I told him. James and I had decided he needed to go to a doctor about his drinking.

    He pushed me away, "I don't feel good," he whined. I'm not surprised I thought to myself. He had slept throughout the whole day yesterday.

   James came into the room with a glass of water and chucked it over Bennett's head, "get up, we're going out," he told him before exiting the room again.

   Bennett spluttered and sat up, "gosh Lily, you sounded like James for a second!" He told me sounding more amazed than concerned. He was a complete idiot.

   I rolled my eyes and handed him a drink of water, "that was James. You need to get up, we're going out," I told him, dragging the blanket off him and throwing it across the room.

   He sipped his water and handed it back, "replace this with vodka and then I'll get up" he told me laying back down on the sofa. I smiled to myself, if he thought it was vodka he would get up. I began walking towards the kitchen.

   Bennett appeared beside me, "I'm not stupid," he whispered before strolling of into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes again. I followed him to see him going through all of our cupboards.

   "What are you doing?" James asked appearing in the doorway next to me.

   Bennett smiled, "getting food," he said before pulling out a box of chocolate Poptarts. Mmmm, poptarts. I smiled to myself, I loved Poptarts. Only the chocolate and the cookies and cream ones though.

   I walked over to Bennett, "hurry up, we need to leave in about ten minutes," I told him. I poured myself a drink of orange juice and downed it. I had been feeling really dehydrated this morning and I had already had three drinks.

   Bennett shoved half a poptart in his mouth, "where are we going?" He asked me. I didn't know if I was supposed to tell him or not so I looked to James who noticed my look straight away.

   "It's a surprise," he said smirking. Bennett was definitely going to flip when he found out where we were going.

   James grabbed my arm, "get in the car, I'll be out in a minute," he told me with a smile. I smiled and nodded before making my way to the car. I got in the passenger seat and turned on the radio. Justin Bieber came on and I used this as an opportunity to listen to the God because James hated him. Devil worshiper. I smiled at my joke and began singing along to the music.

   "Love me, love me, say that you love me," I sang quietly, "fool me, fool me, oh how you do me. Kiss me kiss me, say that you miss me. Tell me what I wanna hear, TELL ME YOU LOVE ME!" I shouted the last line.

   "Turn it off," James told me getting in the car and smirking because he had caught me singing.

   I blushed and quickly turned the radio off. James began driving and we were all silent. Bennett made a few weird noises here and there but I think he was just trying to make me laugh. It wasn't working. When we pulled up outside the doctors Bennett stared at it confused.

   James got out the car and opened Bennett's door, "get out," he said. Bennett stared at him before getting out and standing in front of the car. James and I began walking towards the building but Bennett stayed at the car.

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