Not the greatest job

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James Pov

    I woke up and my vision was blurry, I could see and hear people in front of me but I couldn't focus on their words or faces. I felt a stinging sensation on the side of my face and I realised I had just been slapped. My vision became clear again and I saw Justin and Kory kneeling just inches from me.

   "Justin? Kory? What's going on?" I asked them both. I couldn't remember anything from the night before except the fact that I was supposed to be back at three, and I wasn't. Lily must be going out of her mind.

   Justin smiled, "well, you didn't want to do your job so until you do it you're gonna stay here," his smile turned to a smirk, "I've also set you up with some heroin," he told me gesturing to my arm.

   I looked down to see a needle in my arm, "what the fuck! I don't want the job then, let me go home," I shouted trying to rip the needle out of me.

   Karl laughed, "always read the terms and conditions, James. You can't just quit the job, stupid," he told me.

       Justin smiled, "that's true. And I wouldn't rip that needle out if I were you," he advised me flicking his hair out of his face.

   He didn't scare me, I glared at him, "or what?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

  His smile never left his face, "I'll just tie you down and give you another needle," he threatened. I let go of the needle and sunk down on the chair I was on.

   Karl stood up and waved, "We'll see you later to see if you've changed your mind," he said with a smile before walking away with Justin.

   Time passed by and I began to feel weak. Justin and Karl had been gone for ages and it seemed like they wouldn't be back for another few hours.  I pulled the needle out of arm and groaned in pain as the cold metal came out of my skin. I dabbed the blood and wrinkled my nose in disgust. It was weird how we drank blood when we were already full of it. I got of the chair and crept to the door. It was open a little and I looked through, Justin was at the end of the hallway talking to a red head woman. They were blocking the way out.

   I walked back a few steps, "for fuck sake," I mumbled. I desperately looked around the room for another escape root. There was a window opposite the chair I had been sat in and I didn't know how I hadn't spotted it before. I walked over and looked out. We were on the top floor and below us was a road, a busy road. If I was to jump and survive I would get hit by a car. That was another way of escaping out the window. Ha. The window went out the window. I chuckled to myself but snapped back to reality when I remembered Lily. I went back to the door to see Karl on his own. He was the weaker of the two so if he caught me I could easily knock him out. Plus I was a vampire. I slid out the door and began walking in the opposite direction of Karl, I would just find a different way to get out of here. I walked down the hallways, and came to an elevator.

  I chuckled again, "this is just too easy," I said to myself. I pressed the button and waited for the doors to open so I could make my escape. The doors opened and I froze in shock at the person in front of me.

   Justin smiled, "oh, hi! You must be lost, let me get you back to your room," he said grabbing me roughly by my arm and bending it behind my back at an awkward angle. It didn't hurt so I stayed rooted to the spot.

   I scowled, "let me go," I ordered, my voice came out surprisingly more confident than I felt.

   Justin laughed, "why would I do that, come one James, let's go," he said shoving me forward. I stumbled forward a bit but regained my balance and stood strong again. We stood in silence for a while until I rammed myself backwards into Justin. He fell backwards and I turned to punch him, he wasn't getting off lightly with this.

     He struggled on the floor against my wait, "I'm warning you James, you're going to regret this!" He hissed. He wasn't scaring me, he was nothing but a weak human. I laughed at him and brought my fist down to his face. He let out a strangled Yelp of pain and I threw another punch at him. I repeated this until I felt a sharp pain in the back of my thigh.

   I let out a loud gasp, "what the-" I turned to see Karl behind me holding a pocket knife.

   He smiled, "get up, now," he instructed holding the knife to the top of my head. I slowly got up and Karl redirected the knife to my throat.

   Justin came behind me, "now walk," he whispered in my ear. I shuddered, he was way too close to me. I began walking back to the room I had been held in, the whole time trying to think of a way to escape. Preferably without getting my throat slit. We got to the room and Justin shoved me forward to the chair.

   He turned to Karl, "go get the rope," He thought for a moment, "and get me some more heroin." Karl nodded and walked off. I began panicking, if they tied me down there was no way I could escape. I'm also quite sure if I have too much more heroin I'll die and I already felt like I was walking on air. In a bad way.

    Justin pushed me into the chair, "get comfy because you won't be moving around too much when you're tied down," he said with a sickly laugh.

   I scowled at him, "why are you doing this? You're supposed to be my friend!" I shouted at him.

   He shrugged, "I was going you a favour, I was helping you get that money but you messed it up. This is your own fault," he told me. Maybe he was right, if I had done what he told me to none of this would have happened. I wouldn't be on the verge of being killed. I wouldn't have been forced to take heroin. Lily wouldn't be alone.


  I couldn't think like that. I had to stay positive and find a way out of here. Karl came back and handed Justin the rope. He tied me down in silence and I decided not to struggle because he would only tie it tighter and make my escape harder to do.

   Justin smiled at me, "are you ready for more heroin?" He asked me and injected me without letting me respond. I felt the drug run through my vain's, there was a lot more than I expected. I began to feel light, like I could take on the world.

   Karl laughed at me, "Justin, it think he wants more," he told him with a sinister smile. His teeth were disgusting, had he never heard of a toothbrush? I began laughing at my thoughts and Justin chuckled.

   He injected me with more, "looks like he does want more," he said. We were there for what seemed like a year, they kept injecting me over and over and over. After a while instead of feeling good I began to feel weak and drained. I could hear my heart beat slowing down and I realised I needed to make my escape.

    I wriggled in my chair, "stop it. Let me go," I tried shouting but it came out as a hoarse whisper. Karl chuckled and handed Justin another needle to inject me with. He injected me for what felt like the thousandth time. My eyes were beginning to feel heavy and I just wanted to sleep. I tried to force myself to stay awake. I began biting on my tongue to keep me awake. The last thing I heard was Justin's laughter and then the world went black.

Authors note

Hello! This chapter was hard to write so it's shorter than usual. Sorry :( But now the plot is going to get so much more exciting! You're gonna be like "no way!" "Oh my gosh!" "Are you serious?" And I'll be laughing evilly because only I know how it ends. Do you even read the authors notes? I don't know. Guys when I get votes it really inspires me to keep writing this story so just press that little button and inspire me! Thanks. See ya!

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