Rich men

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    "Bennett, you should really slow down with your drinking," I told him as I brought him his forth beer in the half hour he had been here.

  He laughed, "I'm a grown man Lily, I can control my drinking," he told me with a cheesy smile.

   I rolled my eyes, "Carl, tell him! I don't want him humiliating himself," I pleaded with him.

  Carl shrugged, "sorry, he never listens to me," he said with an apologetic smile. I rolled my eyes and walked off. The truth was I didn't want him humiliating me.

   I looked over to a table of three fat men, they were dressed in fancy black suits. They looked very rich. That meant they were going to be very stuck up. I tugged my skirt down before making my way over to take there order.

  I smiled at them, "Hi! I'm Lily, I'll be your waitress for today. Are you ready to order?" I asked them in my over enthusiastic voice.

  One of the men with stubble on his chin smiled, "You must be the prettiest waitress here!" He exclaimed.

   I smiled again, "thank you very much!" I said even though I was beyond caring for complements.

  He gestured for me to go closer to him and I hesitantly did. He smirked, "I will pay you £3,000 for your body," he offered. Ew, gross. Not to mention I'm married but I guess he didn't think taut, I didn't even have a ring.

   I backed up, "no! My body isn't for sale," I told him. He wasn't very attractive either and he smelt of booze. Gross I thought to myself.

   He smiled at me, "oh, come on! I know you want the money," he said. Yeah I needed the money but I wasn't that desperate. I don't think I ever will be.

  I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "no I don't want your money. Do you need to order or not?" I asked impatiently. He was starting to piss me off now. Stupid, stuck up rich man.

  He ignored my question and pulled me onto his lap, "well I want you. I get what ever I want," he whispered in my ear. The smell of alcohol made me gag.

  He started rubbing his hand on my thigh and I began to get scared but nobody else seemed to notice what was happening. I looked over to James but he was busy taking someone's order. I let out a squeak of surprise when I felt the mans hand go up my skirt.

  I tried to get up but his grip tightened, "get off me," I warned him.

  He laughed, "what are you going to do? Nobody's noticing and even if they have they don't care," he told me.

  I screamed as loud as I could, "get off me! Someone get him off me!" I screamed. In a flash there was a group of people surrounding us and the fat man instantly pushed me away. I turned to see James throw his fist into his face. Fat man let out a grunt and his nose began bleeding.

  James raised his fist to hit him again but I grabbed him, "James, your strength," I whispered to him. If he punched him again this man could get seriously injured and although he deserved it, I didn't want James going to prison for assault.

   "But he touched you," James said to me. Our discussion was cut short by a loud shout. Everyone's head snapped round to see the manager staring at us, red with anger.

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