A visit from the Devil

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I still had half an hour till James came home from work and I felt desperately lonely and bored. I switched the TV on and back off. I went to the bathroom to pee and when I came out the front windows were open.

I slowly walked over to them, "what the hell?" I slammed them shut and locked them again. You know when it feels like someone's standing behind you? Yeah, I felt that now. But that wasn't it, I could hear another heart beat. Albeit a slow and irregular one, I still heard it. I spun around to face the person watching me but there was no one there.

I scratched my arm nervously, "what's going on?" I mumbled to myself.

"Boo," someone whispered in my ear and laughed. I jumped backwards but there was still no one in the room with me.

I growled, yes I growled, "stop playing hide and seek and kill me if your going to!" I shouted.

What the flippity flop! You don't want to die idiot! A voice in the back of my head reminded me. Oh yeah, stupid me. The lights flickered and I gasped when they turned off completely. They quickly came back on and I was face to face with a pale man with burning red eyes and the longest fangs I had seen.

I smiled innocently, "hi. This is actually my house so if you could just get out and we can forget this little incident," I said trying to usher him out of the room.

He laughed and grabbed me, "Lily right? I think I have the right house," he told me. And then he sniffed me! He sniffed me!

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" I screamed trying to get away from him.

He laughed, "sorry, I just didn't expect you to smell so good," he admitted.

I smiled, "oh yeah, that's my new perfume. It's pretty good right?" I might actually get on with this psychopath.

He laughed again, "no, idiot. Your blood smells good," he told me, "I was only here on a job but what the boss doesn't know won't hurt him will it?" He chuckled evilly and threw me onto the couch. I let out a squeak of surprise and in a flash he was above me again, pinning me down.

He brought his head to my neck and then back to my ear, "can I taste?" He asked trying to sound innocent. I snapped my head to the side so I wasn't looking at him. Stupid idea. I had now exposed my neck to him.

He chuckled again, "thank you," he said and brought his head back down to my neck. I stayed silent and waited for the burning sensation to begin in my neck. As expected it came but he brought his fangs out soon after.

I sighed in relief, "thank god," I mumbled to myself.

He chuckled, "I'm not finished yet. You taste surprisingly good, better than any I've had before," he told me.

"I don't know wether to thank you or to scream," I told him honestly. I could feel myself beginning to shake in fear.

He snarled, "if you scream I'll snap your neck, dear." I didn't even think about screaming now.

I nodded slightly, "sorry," I said quietly. It was better to stay on his good side.

He licked the blood that was dripping from my neck, "you know, it's been six days since I've had my fix and now I'm fixed on you. Despite your trembling body I can tell you want it to. I'm every man you've ever dreamed of, all your fantasies combined. You can tell I'm the best from the blood on your dress, there's no bite as good as mine," he laughed evilly, "through the darkest of ages and blackest of plagues, I have fed on the blood off the land. Every girl that's in sight knows she's mine for the night, they're all trapped in the palm of my hand. I've crossed oceans of time, caused unspeakable crime but I would not change a bloody thing! Hunted by all man kind but they're one step behind. 'Prince of darkness?' Fuck that I'm the king!"

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