Chapter 17

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My Mate the Angel

Chapter 17

Emily P.O.V

Once we had our mates back, safe and sound we left that old abandoned factory.

We got home and the phone started ringing.

Being that I was the closest, I answered.

"Hello?" I said

"If you want your brother and friend back, you must listen to what I tell you to do." an unfamiliar voice told me.

I look over at Kim, Jess, and Derek and write down what this guy is telling me.

Once he's done i hang up the phone and hand the paper over to Derek and Jess.

It reads that we have to go to the Gilbert Bidge at eight o'clock and he will meet us there with Sarah and Brent.

No weapons or werewolves just Kim and me.

Jess and Derek don't like the idea at all, they had just got us back they didn't want to lose us again.

So we made a compromise to let them come as back-up but they had to stay a least a mile away.

That would take them five minutes to get to us if we needed them.

When eight o'clock arrived we were at the bridge and waiting.

The man I talked to on the phone arrived a Minute later with Brent and Sarah.

Kim and I watched as he had some huge monsters bring them out of a black van.

Brent locked eyes with me and knew by his sense of smell that Derek and Jess were near by.

Sarah was trying to talk but there was cloth in their mouths making it come out in mumbles.

There was also rope tied around their wrists but that wouldn't have been a problem for Brent.

He was strong enough to break it if he wanted but, he didn't because Sarah had a knife to her neck and might have gotten hurt if he tried.

The monsters were the kind that hide under your bed to wait until your asleep to eat you or take you from here and into their world to make you one of them.

They can only come out in the dark, from the shadows.

Their boss was also one of them only much, much bigger.

"Here's the deal. You offer yourselves up as slaves to us and we let your precious little loved ones go. That's all we want. But if you don't then we eat them or turn them to one of us." the boss says with a confident filled voice.

Kim and I look at each other, knowing perfectly well what we have decided.

I smile sweetly at the boogiemen before launching myself at them with a perfect high kick to the boss' jaw and a kick to the groin.

Kim flies up and starts spinning to make a harder blow to the other two standing with expressions of horror on their faces.

I elbow the boss in the stomach when he tries to capture me and spin around to give a hard blow to his jaw again.

Kim gives a hard kick to each monster and bangs their heads together before drawing out two hidden daggers.

I do the same and we both plunge the weapons into their heads.

Black goo spills out of their skulls before they melt into black slime onto the cement.

Kim pours a drop of holy water on each of the piles of slime before we both head over to Brent and Sarah who are untied and speechless.

Derek and Jess come up the bridge and smile at the piles of slime that are now shrinking into nothing.

All six of us head back to jesse's house and just relax from the day that we have had.

Kim and I tell everyone about what we remember and Jess and Derek tell their story.

Then it's Brent and Sarah's turn.

"We were sitting on the couch at my house watching a movie when I fell asleep and woke up to Brent growling at something. It was dark and all I could see was pitch black and purple glowing eyes. I screamed and they were suddenly gone." Sarah starts says while Brent is holding her to his side.

"I heard Brent growl once more before there was a sound of breaking chains. The purple eyes appeared next to me and I screamed again before they disappeared with a sudden sound of something big hitting cement." she breathed a deep breath before smiling at Brent and continuing as he kisses the top of her head. "Next thing I knew the chains on my wrists and feet were gone and a wet tongue was licking my cheek."

We all laugh as she smiles at Brent with a pointed look.

Brent continues the story.

"I had seen the monster with glowing purple eyes walk over to Sarah and I broke the chains around my wrists and feet before tackling it to the ground as a wolf, knocking it out cold. I used my jaws to break threw the thin chains and had licked her cheek to calm myself and her down from the situation. Back in human form with no clothes on I took the monsters clothes and put them on." he says with out once breaking his straight face while Sarah is blushing furiously.

"More monsters came and there were just coming back after had killed them. Three grabbed me and tied me to the chair again while one had a knife to Sarah's neck. So I was obeyed them so that They wouldn't hurt her." he tells us while hugging her tighter to his side. "She was tied up too and they never once let that knife drop from her neck. After three hours the head of the monsters came in and told us about the bargain. I hated that he was going to do that, knowing pretty well that you would do anything to keep me and Sarah safe."

Brent says looking straight at me with love filled eyes.

I smile at him and know he speaks the truth.

I would deffinetliy do anything to make sure him and Sarah and any of my loved ones are safe.

"And when we left for that bargin I was thinking a plan up but once I saw you there, standing with confidence I knew you were way ahead of me and that something was different about you. Something deadly to those who think that they can mess with you and your cherished ones." he smiles at me and I lean back against Jess with a sights, breathing everyone's smell in.

They are safe and alive.

Nothing will ever hurt them with me around.

Kim sneaks her hand in mine and so does Jess with my right one.

Derek holds Kim's left hand and everyone relaxes with their mates.

Brent tells the end of the story and we all go up to the bedrooms.

Brent and Sarah in a guest bedroom, Derek and Kim in jesse's little sisters room and, Jess and I in his room.

I change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt after a short shower and lay in the bed waiting for Jess to finish his shower.

Before he gets out of the bathroom I'm already half asleep and watching him slide into the other side of the bed and watching me.

"I love you, Jess." I tell him before slowly sliding into unconsciousness.

"I love you, Angel." he tells me still watching me as I fall asleep to his scent and the knowledge that he is safe.

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