Chapter 1

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My Mate the Angel


+++Jess P.O.V+++

I woke up to the sound of beeping.

Beep! Beep! Beep! BEEP! BEEEP! BEEEEEEEP!!!

"OKAY! OKAY! I GET IT!!" I yell at the annoying alarm clock and smash my hand against it.

Great another stupid day in school with the annoying flirts and sluts.

I stay in bed for a few minutes until for some weird reason i hear the shark theme song coming from my alarm clock.

Dadan dadan dadan DADAN DADAN DADAN DADAAN!!!

I jump out of my bed and across to the room.

The theme song stops and I go over to it and pull the plug out of the wall forever killing my alarm clock... or at least until I get home.

Crossing the room to the bathroom I hear another song out of nowhere.

it's One Time by Justin Bieber.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Really?! Why won't you quit with the random songs!!" I say and just leave my room and to my bathroom.

I take a quick shower and head back into my room.

The alarm clock finally quit for a few minutes then once i enter it starts with another random song.

This time by Selena Gomez, Naturally.

Is it trying to say something or what?

I pick out some jeans and a gray T-shirt that says ' If i were a geek would you still think I'm hot?'

I chuckle at myself and leave my room noticing that the alarm stops the song when i'm out of the doorway.


I jog down the stairs and grab 6 pieces of toast eating them as I get into my green Dodge ram truck and drive to school.

Once I park in my regular place a red mustang convertible parks beside me.

Alpha... I think to Derek and nod my head in respect.

I grab my bag of textbooks and head into the school.

Derek walks up beside me and says to me," Hows your mate hunting going?"

"Not the best." I answer him.

We enter the school and a bunch of sluts rush up to us pulling their skirts up higher and shirts lower to show even more cleavage then their already showing.

Derek and I share an eye roll and just gently shove our way though the girls.

We get to our lockers which are surrounded by jocks and bullies alike to keep the girls away from our lockers.

After getting our stuff for class we hung out with the jocks and bullies until we had to go to class.

Once we got to Social Studies, we took our seats and started taking notes.

The day went by faster than the others and before I knew it I was at my house listening to my stupid annoying alarm clock that wouldn't shut up.

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