Chapter Thirty | Sealed with a Kiss

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dedicated to kt-nutella for her lovely comment last chapter c:

At first, when the words tumble out of Imogen's mouth, I think the worst. What feels like ice clenches my heart, clamping the life out of it as I stare at her wordlessly.

My fingers tremble, my knees turn weak and I feel as though I'm about to fall. It's as though Levi senses this, because his hand finds the curve of my back. His hold is warm and an unfamiliar anchor keeping me upright.

"It's your Granddad," Imogen repeats again, swallowing as she tries to find the right words. "Your Mum called. He's ill and in hospital."

He's. He is. Not was. I shakily exhale a quiet breath of relief. The news still shocks me, it makes my stomach drop and I feel ill with worry, but at least he's not dead. He's not dead.

I repeat this to myself as I try to gather myself uncertainly. "I need the phone."

"Here," Imogen says, offering me hers. My fingers are shaking harder when I take it.

Everyone leaves the room when I begin to dial Mum's number on the keypad. Nearly everyone. Levi stays beside me as I inhale shakily and press the last digit before calling.

Dread courses through me as the phone rings. Once, twice, on and on.

My eyes flicker towards Levi's uncertainly as I wait. Large brown eyes filled with concern, warmth and hesitancy meet mine, asking me if he should be here or if I want privacy.

I reach forward and slide my fingers in between his. Levi breathes out quietly as his warm hand envelopes mine, just as someone finally answers.

"Ruby?" I close my eyes at the fraught worry in Mum's voice. "Ruby, I tried calling you but I couldn't get through. Darling, I'm so sorry but your Granddad, have you heard?"

"What's happened?" My voice is a quiet rasp as I can't quite manage to get the words out.

"I don't know, no one really knows for certain," she says, her voice breaking. Her words come in far too quick a rush and I realise how if she doesn't actually know, she's probably guessed.

I think of all the mornings and evenings my parents have spent in quiet worry, whispering in hushed conversations about whatever it is that's going on with Granddad that they keep me out of.


"I'm coming home right now," I say at last. "I'll be at the hospital as soon as I can."

Once I hang up the phone, I'm left standing there for a moment, lost over what to do. Levi grabs Max's car keys and Imogen assures me that she'll get my stuff packed and follow us back to Wickworth as soon as possible.

When I'm at the door Oliver suddenly paces forward and encloses me in a tight hug. "You've gotten through this before, Rubes, you can get through it again," he gently whispers into my hair before letting me go. And then he offers me one of his signature smiles, not quite the bright, dazzling audacious ones but something that finally manages to stoke some warmth into my heart.

Then Levi and I are in the car, alone and ready to set off.

I wait for him to turn the ignition when he turns to me.

"I'm sorry, Bug," Levi says quietly. His voice is low and full of concern but at the same time it's steady, the only firm thing I can hold onto. "I promise, it'll be alright."

"But what if it won't be?" I breathe, shutting my eyes and blocking out the thoughts that contemplate the worst.

"Then we'll all be here beside you," he says gently. "I'll be here beside you."

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