Chapter Ten | Sealed with a Kiss

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"It's a photo," I answer dully.

Imogen looks at me incredulously while I begin to feel the usual symptoms of panic: sweaty palms, a racing heart and hurrying thoughts, all magnified much more than the usual feeling of dread.

"I can bloody well see that!" Imogen cries, looking down at the screen again quite clearly aghast. "It's you... snogging, snogging Levi Parker!"

"Keep your voice down!" I hiss, terrified that someone might hear. Luckily in the bustle of everyone finishing the last day of school and spilling out in chattering masses means that no one does, yet I can't help still feeling unnerved- the last thing I need is someone else finding out.

"Oh my god," Imogen mutters to herself, looking at me as though I'd just grown an extra head.


"Oh my god!" she yelps startlingly loudly, turning away from me and looking towards the heavens like the utter drama queen she is.

"Please, just-"

"I knew it!" she suddenly declares, swerving back to face me. She loses her disbelieving expression which is replaced by something verging on accusatory. "I knew something was up!"

I look at her curiously. "You... did?"

"Yes!" Imogen cries. "For the past month he's just been... and you've been- I knew it!"

I nod, attempting to process her garbled words. "Judging by how much sense you're making, I think you might need to calm down."

"But this means..." A shadow passes over her face and suddenly she's turns serious. "You've cheated-"

"I'm back!" a bright voice says behind us. Turning around we see Oliver standing behind us, looking slightly red in the face and relieved. This is just getting worse and worse.

"I forgot to hand in this thing for Art but luckily Mrs Greening was still in her classroom, she wasn't too happy about me handing it in late though," Oliver explains whilst Imogen looks wildly between him and me.

With slowly dawning worry, I realise what she's about to do. "Imogen, keep-"

"Ruby's snogged Levi!" she blurts before I can stop her. Oh dear god, I'm going to kill her.

Oliver raises his eyebrows, looking at me for confirmation.

"Sorry! I just couldn't contain it," Imogen says, finally handing me back my phone and shaking her head. "Do you know how insane this is?"

I grimace, perfectly well knowing how messed up this all is.

"What?" Oliver asks, his eyes now bulging when he realises it's not some joke. "It's true?"

"Uh," I stutter, feeling my insides squirm uncomfortably. Anything I'm able to do is restricted to just stuttering and being able to predict you'd probably be able to fry an egg on my face if my cheeks got any hotter.

"Bloody hell..." Oliver's mouth hangs agape. "How... When did this happen?"

"Why did it happen?" Imogen asks- the both of them give me a demanding stare that has me further flailing around speechlessly.

"I think you guys just need to stop and-"

"I think you need to explain," Imogen says, crossing her arms.

Desperately I try thinking of something to say, something to explain why exactly I'd been kissing Levi without sounding unhinged. "It was a precaution, that's all!"

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