Chapter Twelve | Sealed with a Kiss

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Finchley Avenue is a road renowned for its large houses and prim front lawns in Wickworth. I've only had cause to come here once and that was to slot leaflets through doors for a charity I'd volunteered at ages ago. It hasn't changed much since I was last here, the houses are still swanky, the hedges are still clipped and the place still manages to make me feel out of place due to its classy air.

I soon find number 52, Levi's house. Last night he'd texted me his address, it was the first thing he'd texted since the photo that has practically been the bane of my existence.

Levi's home looks no different to the other houses it's situated with. Slowly making my way up the preened front garden, I inhale the scent of something sweetly floral and look down at the lawn to see small, pink flowers planted either side of the doorstep. The fragrant plants are a pretty refreshing sight compared to the murky green grass we usually see in winter.

I let the doorbell ring once before waiting. Anxiety has my stomach twisting and for the hundredth time I'm questioning how good an idea this is. I mean, I'm going to Levi's house of all places. Judging by how awful some of our meetings have been I'm sure this experience isn't going to be all that fun, well for me at least. A certain git's already admitted he gets a kick out of pissing me off.

The door swings open and I'm greeted with a small, blonde woman. The first thing I notice is how pink her eyes are, they're red-rimmed and slightly bloodshot and instantly I realise she's been crying. Her eyes betray the smile she's wearing.

Both unease and concern settle into my stomach and I don't know what to say. Not even a 'hello' comes out of my mouth.

"Good afternoon," the woman says and I identify her accent as American. In a flattering way it stands out against the English-quality of the street this house is settled in.

"Uh, hi," I finally say, internally cursing myself at how awkward I sound. "I'm here for Levi. We've got a homework project." With each passing word I sound more and more like a bumbling idiot.

The woman nods, her smile brightening. "Are you Ruby?"

I nod hastily, relieved she's expecting me.

"Come on inside." She steps back and opens the door further to let me in. "I'm Heather, Levi's mom," she says warmly. I'm surprised she introduces herself as 'Heather' and not Mrs Parker or something. Regardless, the name Heather suits her, I don't know if it's because of the purple cardigan she's wearing or because of how light the name sounds, the floral nature complements her daintiness.

"Thanks," I say, walking in. I notice she's wearing socks so I unzip my boots and leave them by the door.

"So, you need Levi?" Heather asks cordially.

I nod. "Yeah, if he's in." I'm still unable to shake off this feeling of uneasiness, though I know I've only just met Heather and it's none of my business, the urge to ask if she's alright is becoming stronger by the second.

"Yes he is," Heather says, pointing towards the stairs in the hallway. "I think he's upstairs, his door's the second on the left."

Giving my thanks, I go to follow her directions. My feet pad up the stairs, my socks muffling the sound of my footsteps. Reaching the landing, I count two doors to my left and find the door that meets Heather's description. I half-expected to find the Devil's pentagram drawn on his door but, surprisingly, it's perfectly plain.

My curled hand hesitates for a moment before knocking on the wood. I wait for the smallest of moments before hearing what sounds like a muffled, "Wait a bit."

Swallowing, I step back, fiddling with the ends of my jumper and growing increasingly nervous.

The door swings open from the inside. My eyes take a moment to register what's before me and as they do they widen in shock.

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