Chapter Thirty One | Sealed with a Kiss

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I don't know where I'm going until I arrive.

The building is the only lit one for miles, its lights shine through the fog like an eerie beacon.

For the first time, I'm glad the library closes so late.

When I walk through the doors they slide back automatically and a rush of cool air from a nearby air conditioner greets me. I shiver involuntarily.

Without thinking about it twice, I begin to make my way right to the back of the library. Already knowing what I'm looking for.

I'm going to the place where my grandparents' special edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is. Right at the back, where... I shake my head to clear my thoughts but it doesn't stop the blush that rises on my cheeks with each step I take towards those familiar shelves.

Once I get there my heart picks up in pace, like it's a separate creature. Remembering and wanting for itself. I shut my eyes for a brief moment, imagining Levi here with me.

Mum made me return the book a few weeks back when she saw how overdue it was. I never got the chance to properly read it or even show Granddad. My heart tugs and suddenly I'm afraid.

I need to get it, to show him now.

The book is easy to find, it's wedged between the same two novels it was earlier and almost falls into my hands when I take it out. It's heavy and tattered and soon I'm heading towards the receptionists' desk. I place the book carefully before the person sat there.

"How much can I pay to buy this?" I ask breathlessly. "I'll give anything."

The librarian sitting at the desk looks taken aback. She clears her throat before replying, "We don't sell books. We're a library."

That's when I realise who I'm speaking to. It's the same librarian who had sternly told Levi and I off and asked us to leave.

My heart sinks.

She notices the expression on my face and tries to give me a reassuring smile. "It's terribly old and battered anyway. You know, I think a new edition of Alice in Wonderland has just arrived in the bookshops if you want to-"

"I'm sorry- I don't want a new edition. I need this one." I cringe at how desperate I sound, but I am desperate. I have no idea what it is that makes me want this book so much but I know I need it.

I don't know if it's how tired I look, how my voice is struggling to get past the rising lump in my throat or what, but the librarian's expression softens.

Just barely, she nudges the book in my direction. "Well, I expect this wouldn't have lasted much longer here anyway..." she begins softly. "And we are short in volunteers. If you could perhaps spare a few hours here I'm sure no one would mind me giving it away," she says at last.

"Yes!" My face breaks out in a smile and I'm nodding way too enthusiastically. "I promise. Thank you so much."

She waves me off, not before asking if I'm alright and whether she needs to call anyone. This time I'm shaking my head, unable to say anything now as I hold the book tightly to my chest and take a step backwards towards the door.

"Thank you," I say again, holding the book tighter as I begin to take off. "I really do apprec- ooph." I've smacked into someone behind me. The book tumbles to the ground and with a grunt, I stumble a few steps back, taken off guard and flustered.

An apology is already half way out of my mouth as I turn around to see who it is.

My mouth falls open.

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