Chapter One | Sealed with a Kiss

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Dedicated to staryvainexx for her lovely comments!

The pellets of rain hit the window at a quickening rate, each drop bursting as it hits the glass, shattering into a hundred tiny forms of itself. Watching the rain is the most entertaining thing to do right now, it's either that or listening to Mr Morris explaining the impacts of the changing car industry in Malaysia for the second time.

"Now, let's not forget about the privatisation of Malaysia's largest car company!" As soon as I tune into what my awful Geography teacher is droning on about, my attention returns to the gloomy November weather outside. It takes all my effort not to just slump onto my desk and fall asleep and I probably would've done if I hadn't had felt a nudge on my shoulder.

I turn to my side to see Talia Willis holding a folded up piece of paper. I don't fail to notice the barely concealed smirk on her face as she hands the paper to me. It widens when she speaks. "Uh, a note for you from Stacey."

I glance at a brown-haired girl sat snickering a few seats away from her, her eyes expectant as she watches me.

Raising an eyebrow at Stacey, I unfold the paper. My eyes are graced with a doodle of a pig with frizzy red hair, underneath she's jotted: 'heard what hppnd ystrday LOL how about trying 2 loose some weit soon??'

If anything, the picture makes me want to burst out laughing. I mean, I'm crap at drawing myself, but this looks like it's been done by a blind-folded three year old with no knowledge of how to hold a pen. The incident Stacey's written about only wants to make me laugh a little harder. Yesterday I'd broken one of the Chem lab's rusty chairs which was amusing if anything.

But I've got to admit, Stacey's put some effort in, the red biro-ink scribbles matches my dark red hair perfectly and the snout for a nose? Couldn't be closer to the real thing.

I already know the motive for this lovely note; it's because of something I did three years ago. Three years. Stacey's friends with Elle, a girl who hates my guts, all because of something that happened when we were fourteen years old.

I'd forgotten to invite her to my Harry Potter-themed birthday party (back then she wasn't so evil) and when Elle found out, she stormed into my house, pointed a finger at me and yelled a number of insults. She was outraged at the idea of being- accidentally- left out. Unfortunately, it was pretty difficult to stay serious at the time as my Dumbledore beard was falling off my face, so when I started- again, accidentally- laughing she got pretty pissed.

Years later, she still hasn't forgiven me. I'll mention that if you're friends with Elle, you've got to like who she likes and hate who she hates. And that's me. As well as a load of other people, I can add. Elle likes making enemies, I just happen to be her nemesis.

She's also told everyone how I used to be a 'fat lump' in primary school, hence the drawing of a pig before me. I roll my eyes. At nearly seventeen I've lost my puppy fat, and may still be a bit curvy, but I care as much as I do about the likes of Stacey and Elle. Which is nil.

'This is your best written work yet!' I scrawl on the other side of the paper before reaching forward to hand it to a guy sitting near Stacey. He passes it back to her and I enjoy the insulted look on her face as she reads my reply. She shoots me a dirty look before passing the note to Elle who in turn scoffs at me. I give them my most charming smile.

At that moment the Geography teacher from next door's classroom pokes her head in through the doorway; she looks frantic and quite frankly scared for her life. "They're going to have a fight!" she declares breathlessly. "I won't be able to handle another one, I swear- just get in here!"

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