Chapter Four | Sealed with a Kiss

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I've spent most of today trying to ignore Levi as much as I can. It hasn't been that difficult considering I only have two subjects with him, Maths and Geography. Only having Maths today, today's been both of a relief and still a bit of a problem.

It's the last lesson of the day and one I have with Ryan, Imogen and Oliver. All of them have noticed I haven't exactly been myself today.

"Are you alright behind there?"

Ryan gives me a quizzical look as I peer up at him from being my stack of textbooks. I try to give a nonchalant smile.

"What? Yeah, of course." My voice is way too high. I glance across the classroom. Our table is right at the back and, thankfully, far away from Levi's.

"Yeah, you've been really weird, even stranger than usual." She eyes me up, looking way too suspicious for my liking.

"Weird?" I ask, leaning forward with my hand in my chin in an attempt to look innocent. My palm's so clammy my chin actually slips and I nearly hit my head on the textbooks.

Imogen gives me a look. "Yeah."

I shrug, wiping off my hands. "I've been perfectly normal," I say, "Why wouldn't I be? Everything's fine, you stop being so weird."

I then catch sight of Natalie Sumpter. She isn't hard to miss, since she's completely swivelled around in her chair and glaring so furiously at Oliver that he'd be six-feet-under and compost if looks could kill. Her face is flushed a blotchy pink and her hand is furiously twisting her hair.

"What's up with her?" I turn and ask the others.

Oliver shifts uneasily in his seat, dragging a hand through his messy ginger hair. Imogen's eyebrows shoot immediately upwards.

"What've you done?" she asks.

Oliver attempts to look innocent, which is his equivalent of putting up a neon sign announcing, 'GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!' in flashing lights.

He gives an embarrassed laugh. "Well, this is... Haha, well, I might have..."

"Might've what?" I ask, several guesses already springing to mind. He goes a faint shade of pink before giving a sheepish smile.

"I might've, er... accidently forgotten to tell Natalie that I'd broken up with her when, uh, she discovered me in bed with... someone."

We all groan.

"How did she discover you in bed?" Imogen splutters, looking appalled.

"Well that someone might have been her... sister," Oliver says before immediately throwing up his arms to defend himself against Imogen promptly smacking him.

I shake my head, actually speechless this time.

"You dickhead!" she exclaims.

I raise my eyebrows at the hand Ryan's just raised to slap against Oliver's, which he quickly lowers.

Oliver starts defending himself, claiming Natalie has since been stalking him and was threatening to 'get his balls'. Imogen offers to help bury them.

After knowing the idiot for eleven years, I'm not even surprised. I'd met Oliver in Year One, making him my oldest and best friend.

We were six years old and my family had just moved here to the little town of Wickworth from London. When he first saw me introduced to the rest of the class, he started grinning like crazy, looking deliriously happy. That's the first thing I remember about him, his smile. It's wide, bright and one of the best things about him.

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